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Write a 4 pages paper on malcolm gladwells ‘blink’. For one, Gladwell is on a sticky wicket. The techniques and reasons are too complex to explain. For another, Gladwell knows what he is talking about

Write a 4 pages paper on malcolm gladwells ‘blink’. For one, Gladwell is on a sticky wicket. The techniques and reasons are too complex to explain. For another, Gladwell knows what he is talking about. And finally, everyone else knows what Gladwell is talking about.

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On the spur moment decision, off the cuff remarks, gut feelings, intuition, quick thinking, customarily yield positive results, oftentimes because the person making the decisions and statements know very well what is going on and the reasons behind his or her decisions.

Anyone who has read ‘Blink’ may understand the author’s core issue. In simple terms, he is talking about the power of perception. One finds it difficult to disagree with the notion that he or she has never been in a situation when an intuitive stand or decision yielded positive results. The situation may be as varied as the ones author has touched upon, viz. deciding whether a statue is a fake, deciding whether a surgeon is likely to get sued for malpractice, and deciding whether the inhabitant of a particular dorm room is likely to be conscientious.

In each case on which the author has elaborated the one making the decision did so with minimum information on hand, two seconds to decide, and with formidable consequences should the decision go wrong.

Dr Atul Gawande is more succinct on the issue.