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Write 2 pages with APA style on Marketing about organic food. Describing and Justifying the Questionnaire This paper describes and justifies the questionnaire used to collect the datain a marketing re

Write 2 pages with APA style on Marketing about organic food. Describing and Justifying the Questionnaire This paper describes and justifies the questionnaire used to collect the datain a marketing research about organic food. The excerpt further describes the pretest from 50 respondents in participation and how the pretest led to questionnaire changes.

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In brief, the questionnaire are essential tools that come in handy in analyzing the respondent’s feelings, opinions and behaviors for proposed issues the directly or indirectly affect them (Wilson 21). This questionnaire was aimed at identifying the individuals to target, how to draw more consumers for to the organic food and much more. Open ended questions were used to allow the respondents room to express their opinions. In these questions, there were no set of expected responses, this was to try and get true, insightful and probably unexpected answers too. An example of this kind was in the question if they considered organic to be a healthier option. Closed format questions were also used where respondents were restricted one and any of the multiple choices. These kinds of questions strengthened the questionnaire as they had no limit to the maximum number of multiple choices supplied. Its use was a strategy in ensuring an easy preliminary analysis. Embarrassing questions were avoided to minimize the chances of not developing a rapport with the respondents.

The questionnaire under discussion involved both quantitative and qualitative methods in collecting the data. These methods were enhanced in the closed questions which would later play an ideal role while calculating percentages and statistical data where the answer sets were defined.

According to Wilson, this kind of questionnaire could be described to have met its purpose as it consisted of all the characteristics of a quality questionnaire. The data got from this formation of a questionnaire had a high likelihood of generating accurate and true data.

While pre-testing the questionnaire, a cheap method to detect problems, it can be noted that on comparing age versus exercise, the results did not indicate that the younger demographic was likely to exercises. However this did not necessarily influence their likelihood to buy organic. It is clearer that one crucial entity that would have further impacted the results of the questionnaire was awareness. Where the respondents had prior information on the benefits of organic food, it might not have matter, what age bracket they were in but would most definitely go for the organic option. A change in the questionnaire would be devised where a question ought to be introduced to check for this factor. On realization of its influence, the team should expound more on ways to sensitize their customers, if they were to make the decision to invest into the organic foods.

However, the questionnaire ought to have included a simple open end question towards its end seeking feedback and suggestion from respondents on how to improve. The question, how often do you exercise per week? (none, 1-3, 4+), could have been understood as there is a disparity whether the numbers were meant to be minutes, hours or days per week. This error need to be corrected by clarification on the required response. Time taken in the questionnaire should be considerable to ensure that the respondents do not get tired, though this was achieved from the scope. Vocabulary used was appropriate as it was easy to read through any of the questions.

Works Cited

Wilson, Chauncey.&nbsp.Credible checklists and quality questionnaires a user-centered design

method. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013. Print.