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Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic PSYC 475 DB Replies Wk6. Due Response to Carol In the most simplest of definitions the Available Heuristic it is a mental shortcut that relies on imme

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic PSYC 475 DB Replies Wk6. Due Response to Carol In the most simplest of definitions the Available Heuristic it is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to mind” In other words what we are often exposed to becomes what is normal to our sight (Cherry, 2014). While I agree with many of your points about the dangers and differences between desensitization to violence and the experience of actually committing violence. the two are very different. However, I do not agree with your assertion that the “devil” is responsible for the amount of simulated violence in television, film, and video games. That desensitization is the product of mankind and mankind alone. Being desensitized to some things is imperative. For example is a doctor a greater sinner because he is comfortable and confident interacting with the blood, guts, and gore realized in real-life medical situations? While I admit that sometimes, they do go a bit far, that goes without saying. But I believe that what we see, what learn, what we enjoy is part of what makes us uniquely who we are. To view things as so “black and white,” good and evil, and Christian or not Christian-like, then we run the risk of falling behind in or ethics not moving them forward with our morality in a positive direction.

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Cherry, K. (2014). Availability heuristic. Psychology, 1. Retrieved from

Response to Ryan

I agree with your example that public news seldom shares stories that are good, but those that focus on crimes, violence, and drug activity. However, I am not certain if it is the desensitizing of humanity that has influenced that behavior. I find it more likely that the television production companies discovered that keeping people scared of the world around them keeps them tuning in for more warnings. which improves the revenue and reputation of the production company (Cherry 2014). Truly the film, television, and video game providers are guided by money, not good or evil, just money. I have to say that I disagree with you on your prognosis that if people are two desensitized they may become sociopaths. It does not really work that way. True many sociopaths and psychopaths are triggered by different things forcing them to act on their thoughts and participate in dangerous and deviant behavior. However, that predisposition does not increase or diminish because the world watches more violent television. Sociopathy, psychopathy, and other anti-social disorders are often present in their genes. These people could become violent and dangerous without ever watching a single half of an hour of television.


Cherry, K. (2014). Availability heuristic. Psychology, 1. Retrieved from