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Need help with my writing homework on Hitler’s statements. Write a 500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Hitler’s statements. Write a 500 word paper answering; 3. The young will no longer be taught anything but the truth. This quotation is definitely agreeable although it might raise certain questions unto what certain things does it pertain to. This is definitely agreeable but there is now the dilemma of the fact that the truth can be subjective.

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4.To each man his own private creed. Superstition shall not lose its rights

This statement is surprising not because they are untrue or that it is aversely radical but because it is supposedly said by a man who caused the death of millions of people. There can be no doubt that each man must be respected for what he believes in. As we always say, everyone is entitled to his opinion and this includes superstition for they are as good as truth to most people who ardently believe in them. This is actually a distinctive quality of a democracy and a perquisite of liberty.

5.I don’t dream of imposing my philosophy on a village girl.

Similar in some respect to the previous statement, this quote speaks of the respect for others freedom of belief as said by Hitler. This brings about a re-assessment of his own stance on personal beliefs and how it relates to other people. I definitely agree because it is almost impossible to impose one’s philosophy on another person who a totally different upbringing on your own. It is very much like convincing an environmentalist to buy a Hummer, somehow it just wouldn’t be conceivable.

6.I don’t want to force National Socialism on anybody.

I do not agree with this statement for logical reasons. National Socialism would mean that the people must be educated about it and that they must accept it. It would be difficult or almost impossible to make people live in a system that they do not understand, much less believe in. it requires a consolidated effort not only from the government but in consonance with the people.

7. We don’t want to educate anyone in atheism.

This is an argument that Socialism is akin to Atheism. Of course, this is an impossible task as there are many who adhere to their religion very much like second nature. Even if this were true, it is very unlikely to be accomplished though informing and imposing are two very different things.

8.Nothing is lovelier than horticulture.

This is the most shocking of all the statements simply because it doesn’t seem to be his character. I would not expect a dictator to be a horticulturist as it is a very serene hobby.

9.All that is best in the people should be allowed ceaselessly to develop.

This is another conflicting statement to a certain degree because it suggests that people are allowed freedom to develop their abilities. In a Socialist system, the equality of the people would be determinant of their status in society. On its face, the statement is very much true because only by development does man evolve.

24. Truth is never evil.

This is the most impressionable of all the quotations for me. This reverberates of the need for reality to be revealed even though there are times that it might cause internal conflicts of personal and social belief. This is something I have tremendously learned recently.

25. A Regulation removes the opportunity to take the initiative. There are cases in which faithfulness to the letter of a regulation is a sort of sabotage.

It presupposes that all of the main points of his ideals, of his hold to power as we know were not an imposition. It instigates that there was no propaganda or acts of violence to enforce their success.

27.There are plenty of Jews with blue eyes and blond hair.

Quite honestly I do not think there are any pure blooded Jews who are blond and blue-eyed unless of course they had been converted or mixed blood. Judaism is not only a religion but an entire culture and almost a quasi-race in its own right. This implies that Hitler holds no prejudice against Jews. In today’s standard, I must submit that there is truth to this but I cannot say the same during his time.