Article Writing Homework Help

title and author of the book in the subject line of your postIn a paragraph, summarize the book. Include the title, author, and the diversity aspect of the book.In a second paragraph, describe your re

  1. title and author of the book in the subject line of your post
  2. In a paragraph, summarize the book. Include the title, author, and the diversity aspect of the book.
  3. In a second paragraph, describe your reaction to the book. (Do you like it? Why/why not? Would you recommend it? Why/why not?, etc.)
  4. Next, imagine that you would use this book in a teaching setting (e.g., a regular classroom, summer camp, or after school setting). In a third paragraph, describe the steps of a brief lesson when you would use this book to discuss the diversity topic of the book.
  5. List three additional websites, including the URL, that could be incorporated into or added on to the activity/lesson outline you provided in step 5. Why did you choose these resources? How would you incorporate them or add them to the lesson?
  6. As you were preparing your lesson, parts d and e, which ideas from the article, “Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching,” did you consider or apply when completing parts d and e? Why did you focus on those ideas?

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