Article Writing Homework Help

here were several important themes in chapter 1. Here are a few quotes: “Policy-making and its subsequent implementation is necessary to deal with societal problems.” (Janssen, 2015) “Policy-making is

here were several important themes in chapter 1. Here are a few quotes:

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“Policy-making and its subsequent implementation is necessary to deal with societal problems.” (Janssen, 2015)

“Policy-making is driven by the need to solve societal problems and should result in interventions to solve these societal problems.”  (Janssen, 2015)

“Examples of societal problems are unemployment, pollution, water quality, safety, criminality, well-being, health, and immigration.”  (Janssen, 2015)

The author of chapter 1 discusses several developments that influence policy-making. Select one of the developments in chapter 1 and describe how that development can influence policy to solve a specific problem.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, select one of the developments in chapter 1 and describe how that development can influence policy to solve a specific problem.