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Write a 4 pages paper on international law and conventional international organizations.
Write a 4 pages paper on international law and conventional international organizations. International protocol, agreement, pact, exchange of letters, convention or covenant are all synonyms for treaties (Alvarez, 2005). Therefore, all these types of agreements are considered to be treaties under international law. Thus, the rules applied to treaties are the same ones applied to these terminologies. On its basic form, a treaty is the same as a contract: willing parties have voluntarily assumed duties and obligations between or among themselves (Klabbers 87). Consequently, under international law, a party which does not oblige to the agreements is held liable.
The subject coverage of treaties in recent times has expanded considerably (Milner 342). This is in line with the need for international promotion and protection of concepts such as education, human rights, environment, the global heritage and wildlife (Moore, Gerald K & Witold Tymowski, 2005). Additionally, treaties have been necessitated by the emergence of global security concerns such as terrorism. The UK Swiss confederation taxation cooperation agreement is a treaty between the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The agreement came into force on January 2013. The agreement clarified the relationship between Switzerland and the EUSA (EU savings agreement). The second treaty is the 1979 Egypt Israeli peace treaty. This agreement implied that the two nations agreed to recognize each other. As such, the treaty required the state of Israel to withdraw or remove its army from Egypt’s the Sinai Peninsula. As a result, Egypt would allow Israel ships to pass through the Suez Canal. Lastly, the 2014 convention on the manipulation of sports competitions is among the latest treaties or agreements. The convention advocated by the council of Europe is aimed at fighting instances of match-fixing in the world’s sports.
Since treaties are non-permanent binding agreements, sovereign nations or international organizations can decide to end these agreements (Chodosh & Hiram 78).