Article Writing Homework Help
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Equity of Opportunity, Class Cleavages, the Role of the State, and Globalization. It needs to be at least 500 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Equity of Opportunity, Class Cleavages, the Role of the State, and Globalization. It needs to be at least 500 words. Child Poverty and Guaranteed Income in Canada In this paper, I will examine key issues around Child Poverty in Canada and will argue for a guaranteed annual wage to be implemented for all Canadians, as a way to address the problem of Child Poverty and its effects. Canada is one of the richest nations in the world, yet it is ranked extremely low, by comparison with other developed nations, for child well-being, in spite of the Canadian government’s UN Convention ratification in 1991. I will address questions of why this is still the case. whether poverty is income based and what the key variables are in urban and rural poverty in Canada. which groups are most affected. and what are the outcomes of child poverty. I will discuss evidence of social and political motivation to end child poverty in Canada and will raise social change scenarios to direct attention to positive outcomes of implementing a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians, alleviating child poverty in Canada. 2. Objective My objective, in this paper, is to outline the issue of Child Poverty in Canada and to argue for a key solution to it, a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians. I intend to build a logical, persuasive argument, well-documented by reputable sources, calling for ethical action for society’s benefit. 3. Thesis Statement The federal government should implement a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians to alleviate child poverty. 4. Outline I. Introduction A. Provide definitions and Canadian interpretations of child poverty. B. Child poverty is inversely correlated with income. C. The federal government should implement a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians to alleviate child poverty. II. Literature Review and Discussion A. Discuss child poverty in Canada. i. In one of the richest countries, 1,400,000 children live in poverty. ii. Most affected are single mother families, immigrants, Aboriginals, rural farmers, urban neighborhoods. iii. Child poverty is positively correlated with low verbal ability, low school success, health and behavior problems, stress. iv. Rapid immigration, manufacturing decline, major city depopulation, inequality-justifying ideas, indifference, falling minimum wage, inadequate government intervention are responsible variables. B. Discuss ethical motivation for action. i. Canada supports equity of opportunity. ii. In 1991, Canada signed ratification of the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child, with Article 27 to alleviate child poverty. C. Social and political motivations are apparent through advocacy projects. D. Consider social change scenarios. i. Neurological equity will increase. ii. Equity in opportunity for wellbeing will increase. iii. According to Maslow’s model, when basic needs are met, people are motivated to pursue the reaching of their full potential. III. Conclusion A. Summarize arguments. B. Restate the thesis. 5. Bibliography Books Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies. London: Sage, 1996. Print Vieminclox, Koen and Timothy M. Smeediing. Child Well-Being, Child Poverty and Child Policy in Modern Nations:What Do We Know? Bristol: The Policy Press, 2001. Web. Journal Articles A. Kazemipur, s.s. Halli. “Plight of Immigrants: The Spatial Concentration of Poverty in Canada.” Candadian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 20 (1997). Print. Hajnal, Zoltan I. “The Nature of Concentrated Urban Poverty in Canada and the Uniited States.” The Candian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 20, No. 4, Autumn, 1995 (1995). Print. Howe, R. and Katherine Covell. “Child Poverty in Canada and the Rights of the Child.” Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 25:1067 (2003). Web. Kohen, Dafna E., Tama Leventhal Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Clyde Hertzman. “Neighborhood Income and Social and Physical Disorder in Canada: Associations with Young Children’s Competencies.” Child Development, Vol. 73, No. 6 (2002): 1544-1560. Print. Primary Sources Closing the Gap Campaign 2011. “Candad: First Nations want poverty addressed during election.” 12 April 2011. Indigenous People’s Issues and Resources. 2 July 2011 . Print. Stolen Sisters. Dir. Fahrenheit Films. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. 2007. Film. Internet Sources Free the Children. “Child Poverty.” 2011. Free the Children. 2 July 2011 . Web. Jain, Vipal. “Rich Nation, Poor Children.” Toronto Star 20 November 2009: retrieved July 2, 2011 from Canadian Children’s Rights Council: Child Poverty in Canada, Web. Kohen, Dafna E., Tama Leventhal Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Clyde Hertzman. “Neighborhood income and social and physical disorder in Candad: Associations with young children’s competencies.” Child Development, Vol. 73, No. 6 (2002): 1544-1560. Web. The Conference Board of Canada. “Child Poverty.” 2011. Conference Board of Canada: Society. 2 July 2011 . Web.