Article Writing Homework Help
Write a 3 pages paper on i will post all of information in word. In addition, money is not capable of purchasing intelligence, admiration and or respect for any individual who does not have the capaci
Write a 3 pages paper on i will post all of information in word. In addition, money is not capable of purchasing intelligence, admiration and or respect for any individual who does not have the capacity to hold these characteristics even in presence of more than enough money. Similarly, money does not attempt to buy brains for individuals who have powerful position in return for service because the individual mostly ends up frustrating him or herself to below the level of those who are perceivably weakened by the status of the individual’s money (Rand 101). Conversely, d’Anconia argues that although money does not purchase the necessary human characteristics in life, money is a rootless living power that acts as a means of survival. The kind of treatment that money gives on individuals depends on the source of livelihood that further translates into the anticipated life. In fact, what matters most is the means of achieving the money and the continuous engagement that tool of exchange has on the life of an individual. For instance, individuals are said to do odd jobs just to get a particular amount of money (Rand 103). In light of this, money would suddenly bring forth hatred from its users, the men, immediately it does not concur with the wants of the individuals. Many men are for the perception that money exists to be enjoyed even when the individuals have not genuinely acquired it. It is said not to give virtue nor redeem the vices of men (Rand 104). It is worth mentioning that, every man loves money to the extent of knowing its nature. In addition, d’Anconia argues that individuals should be aware of the fact that money is a continuous creation of the power that is within men, and the level of trading to outfit the best efforts amongst other men who are also trading to satisfy their needs and wants. For instance, those who love money are individuals who have the will to work for it as they know that they deserve to have it in regard to their effort. For this reason then, individuals who continuously damn money are argued to have gotten it in a manner that is not upright. Thus, d’Anconia advises men to desist from fellow men who continually tell them that money is evil (Rand 103). Needless to say, the society needs money to thrive. However, there must be a strict law that govern those that have money from exploiting those that do not have the medium. In the same way, the law must be present in society to make sure that men who just sit in idleness waiting for fellow men to work and acquire money, and then come forth to deprive them are dealt with accordingly. For instance, every time destroyers appear among men, they are said to begin by destroying money before hurting them and reducing them to men with no money (Rand 104). In a general sense, d’Anconia argues that men must be in a position to contemplate that money is the root of good and not evil. Otherwise if they continue to perceive money a sourced of evil, then they risk having continuous destruction in their life. In the event that money is no longer a viable tool where men can clearly use to deal with one another, the same men are bond to become tools of fellow men.