Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. please write a two page paper, 12pt font, 1″margins, double spaced, summarizing the history of salsa dance, that originated in Cuba and now practiced worldwide. You are responsible for two complete pages, please write your name, name of course, etc. on a separate title page. Please attach a WORD document.
In your paper, include casino and rueda, which are variations of basic salsa dance, and also the differences in how it is danced in Latin America and the US.
For this assignment you can use the following website as one of your sources. Please find at least one other source. Include a separate bibliography in your submission with the source I provided and the source/s you also found.
Website on salsa music and dance

History of Salsa Music & Dance

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Since this is a longer paper, it will be counted as a written assignment rather than participation, in calculating your final grade.
To practice your basic salsa step, use the videos below.
Basic step

Basic step with single right turn

Stay safe and keep dancing!

Article writing homework help