Article Writing Homework Help
I will pay for the following article Women and Indigenous People. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.
I will pay for the following article Women and Indigenous People. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The author tells that in the last, three chapters from Hess’s book, “Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts” were analyzed that were “Temporal Cultures and Technoscience”, “Other Ways of Doing and Knowing” and “Cosmopolitan Technologies, Native Peoples, and Resistance Struggles”. In the second discussion part that is Part C, the similarities and differences found in the works of Hess and Merchant were evaluated and discussed. Lastly, the topic is concluded in which, the whole essay is summarized.
The movie, “Mindwalk” directed by Bernt Amadeus Capra introduces three characters who are involved in a correspondence. The first one is a politician. the second one is a scientist while the third one is a poet. Each of them has a diverse viewpoint and sees the world differently. The movie is based on Kuhn’s ideas that are linked to the discovery of new concepts in the scientific field. The movie illustrates that people should not rely on old discoveries and theories, they should revolutionize and should move towards new grounds. This movie also wants the people to move towards the revolutionary phase and to introduce new ideas and scientific concepts.
Carolyn Merchant in her book, “The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution”, argues that it is because of the revolution of modern science that nature has lost its value (Merchant, 1980). She elaborates that science is the reason for making nature a mechanistic thing that lacks its previous values. According to Merchant, science is the death of nature (Merchant, 1980). Her approach towards science is pessimistic and she regards science as one force that has transformed nature into machinery. According to Merchant, all the environmental problems of the earth are linked to the evolution of science. She also links womanhood to nature as nature is always portrayed with the female sex (Merchant, 1980). Merchant argues that with the scientific revolution, the face of the earth has changed.