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Introduction to Early Childhood Education Case Study: Martha teaches a class of 18 three and four year-old children from different background in a school district with a history of low achievement. Th

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

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Case Study:

Martha teaches a class of 18 three and four year-old children from different background in a school district with a history of low achievement. The new head of the district has promised the district team that he will turn the district around in three years. He has hired a new early childhood education officer because he believes one of the best ways to close the district’s achievement gap is to begin as early as possible. The new early childhood education officer has recommended the adoption of a skills-based curriculum that includes the use of direct instruction, other teacher-centered approaches, and scripted curriculum. According to her, ” There is only one way to teach children what they need to know, and that is to directly teach them. We can’t fool around with all this child- centered stuff.”

Direct instruction of basic skills and teacher-centered instructional practices are contrary to what Martha learned in her teacher education classes at the university. In addition, these approaches do not fit with her view of child- centered and developmentally appropriate practice.

Submit a 2 to 5 page analysis of the case that addresses the following: 

  • Identification of the main issues/problems
  • Analysis of the issues – making connections between the issues/problem and theory
  • Effective solutions/strategies or proposals for solutions, to all issues in the case study
  • Provide recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and the theory.

Cite appropriate references in APA format to substantiate your thinking. Also, it must be double spaced and in Times New Roman 12.