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Unit 5 – Assignment – Top 6 Metrics Assignment Consider that you are starting a PMO in your company using the previously developed PMO Charter. Starting on Page 86 in Gerard Hill’s book, list the top 

Unit 5 – Assignment – Top 6 Metrics Assignment

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Consider that you are starting a PMO in your company using the previously developed PMO Charter. Starting on Page 86 in Gerard Hill’s book, list the top 2 metrics that would apply best to your company in each of the three categories: Process Management and Improvement Metrics, Project Performance Metrics, and Business Management Metrics and why you are selecting them.  You should tie the selection of metrics to the needs analysis you completed in Unit 4 for your company. (PRJ-60)Submit a Word Doc and Table with the two metrics under each of the three categories. (Total of 6 metrics should be on the table.)In the same Word Doc, list the top 6 metrics above for your company PMO that you wrote your charter on, explain why you selected the six based on your needs analysis completed in Unit 4 and denote their target values for year 1, year 2 and year 3.  Display the units clearly for you metrics. For each metric of the top 6 use at least 75 words per metric that would describe any specific steps you would need take to in your company to achieve your targets for each metric. 

Listen to the following PMO Podcast

  • PMO Podcasts  – Business Driven PMO Setup: Chapter 5 – PMO Tools:      Establishing an Architecture vs. Implementing a Tool, presented by Mark      Perry, host of The PMO Podcast™

Note: Add the textbook reference (APA style)