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Compose a 1000 words assignment on existential approach with person-centered therapy. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1000 words assignment on existential approach with person-centered therapy. Needs to be plagiarism free! City, and how encounters with death or the prospect of one’s death can be useful in using freedom wisely and making authentic choices, rather than using anxiety to escape from taking responsibility for present and future (Corey, 2009). Furthermore, the Existential model was contributed to by men of extreme experience in their backgrounds, Victor Frankl and Rollo May (Hunter, n.d.). This approach is well-aligned to Patrick’s presenting issues and extreme experiences, as he lost a brother and colleagues to death, faced the potential of his own death in 9/11, and has anxious feelings and anxiety about social relationships. Existential angst is a normal response to lived experience (Mann, 2010). Resisting these anxious feelings keep him from the choices he wishes he could make but doesn’t realize that he indeed can make. The Existential approach gives the therapist the capacity to assist the client toward insight and building new meaning (Corey, 2009). Because the Existential approach does not advocate a particular set of techniques (Corey, 2009), it is necessary to be familiar with the techniques of other theoretical approaches, where supportive listening is not enough. In this case, exploring loss might be done through Psychoanalytic (Rorschach or dreams) or Gestalt techniques (empty chair technique to talk with those lost). There is no uniform template. Firemen are heroes. They rescue kittens from trees and people from burning buildings. They keep in shape and jump quickly to effect a rescue. They watch each other’s backs. Young boys dream of being like them. They embody the cultural ideal of a male: strong, fast, courageous, handsome in uniform, protective, righting wrongs and controlling chaos. Patrick’s injuries, anxiety, social insecurities, and 9/11 memories, as well as likely fear response to encountering death, are at odds with this cultural ideal. This causes identity anxiety.

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