Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help.

Writing Workshop

After an embarrassing sign incident at the restaurant you own, you decide to offer employees a six-week fundamental writing skills workshop.
A local business communication instructor, who has experience teaching writing skills at Treleaven Community College, will facilitate the sessions.
To encourage employees to attend these optional sessions, write a memo that explains why you’re offering the workshop and why employees should participate.

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Remember that your employees have other responsibilities. They may be students with classes and homework assignments, or they may have a spouse and children, or they may work another job. As you write your memo, consider that your employees may not feel the workshop is personally worthwhile, but even if it is, it may be difficult to attend.


You want to convince your employees to sign up for the workshop. The workshop is optional. If you make the workshop mandatory, you are no longer persuading your employees—you’re giving them an order. The challenge of the assignment is to find a way persuade your employees to willingly participate.


Your memo will include both information and persuasion. The information should answer key questions such as start and end dates, how long the sessions run, etc. Because those are the first questions that occur to your employees, they should be answered first. Your persuasion should then follow. When deciding what to include in your persuasion, consider incentives that your employees find valuable.


When writing to employees, choose a style that matches your managerial style. Some managers communicate with employees very formally, while others communicate informally. The key is to be an effective communicator.
Example 1
To: Spaghetti Dinner Employees
From: Desiree Almanza
Date: October 10th 2016
Subject: Opportunity to earn more money
Hello everyone! As most of you may know, there was a sign posted last week with embarrassing grammatical errors. Here at Spaghetti Dinner we pride ourselves with excellence. We are ranked in the top 10 by professional food critics here in Southern California. That means we need excellence all round not just in food and customer service but also intellectually. Our all-around business needs to be at its best. Therefore to prevent future mistakes and ensure this situation doesn’t occur again, I am inviting all employees to attend a Fundamental Writing Workshop.
Although the workshop is not required I strongly recommend and encourage all staff to attend. The classes will be a six week fundamental writing skills workshop held here in our facility every Monday and Thursday from 6-8pm starting November 7. If you decide to do this, you only have to attend one class per week in order to work with some of your shifts and daily schedules. I hired a local business communication instructor Dr. Reade with experience in teaching writing skills at Treleaven Community College, she will be facilitating the session. In the six weeks you will learn the fundamentals of writing such as grammar, writing structure, how to communicate to the readers and more.
I am aware that life catches up to us, we are all very busy people and all in need of a little extra money. So for some encouragement to attend the courses, all classes will be free. In fact all sessions will be paid on the clock, so yes you will get paid to attend. Since the same class is being held twice a week, you can only get paid for one session. This is a way to get educated and apply something new while getting paid.
Not only will you get paid to attend these courses but at the end of the workshop if attend five out of 6 classes you will receive a certification of completion. If you receive a certification you will automatically get a raise of 25 cents per hour. In addition you will get 2 paid vacation days (or 16 hours) this month. Also for those who are trying to build their resume, this certification of completion is a great add on. This will show your future employer (or me for future promotion and job position) that your writing is at a professional level.
I encourage all employees to try it out and attend as much as you can. This will not only help you financially but also intellectually. Both will be better in the long run. Not to mention those who receive a certificate will be prioritized on the work schedule. Remember there is always room for improvement. So why not start now. Please get back to me ASAP if you are interested in this opportunity.
Example 2
Corner Café
To: All Corner Café Employees
From: Drew Allensworth
Date: February 2, 2017
Subject: Opportunity to Increase Pay and Keep Corner Café Away From the ‘Coroner’
Good morning Corner Café staff. By now, all of you have heard about our signage snafu. We received quite a few emails, some from amused customers, but one in particular caught my attention. The Health Department saw no humor in our mistakes. While the inglorious grammar was embarrassing, misspelled menu items such as “Coroner Café’s Signature Steamed Muscles” prompted an inspector to visit us yesterday. As you know, if we fall out of favor with the Health Department, the letter rating of the cafe could be reduced. If that occurs, fewer customers will dine here and we will struggle to stay in business.
However, writing is a skill that all of us can improve. Starting next week, the Café will be hosting on OPTIONAL six-week writing course open to every employee. Although the classes are not mandatory, the skills are so valuable that any employee who attends all six weeks will receive a 25¢ per hour pay raise!
The classes will be taught here by Dr. Connie Jugate, a professor of English at Treleaven Community College.
Dr. Jugate is a former high school drop-out who waited tables throughout her college journey. She knows exactly what we need and the types of backgrounds we come from. Every class is tailored just for us.
Each week’s 90-minute class has a single topic, and will be offered twice to accommodate our different schedules. We close early on Mondays and open late on Fridays. You have a choice to attend one of the two weekly sessions. The first will be on Monday evenings at 5:30pm, after the Café closes. The other is Friday mornings at 8:30am, before the Café opens for lunch. Class time is paid, set at the overtime rate, and only one class per week (for six weeks) is needed to qualify for the pay increase. We’ll fire-up the coffee makers and I contacted our neighbors at Tito’s Big Texas Tacos, Pho Star Bowl #13, Pine Street Bakery, and The Codfather to provide free breakfast and dinner, depending on the session.
Maybe you don’t believe these workshops will help, you can “right” just fine, or that you will always struggle because English is not your first language. Consider this: others will judge you, and the Café, by your writing. These classes will be a safe, supportive environment for you to learn and grow new writing skills. Getting what you want (or need) depends on expressing yourself clearly and effectively. Good writing is the key. Especially if English is not your first language, Dr. Jugate knows how to help you show your talents to an English-reading audience. There are no expectations for skills coming into the course. However, you can expect to take new skills from it.
I will be at every session, learning with all of you. Sign up for the six workshops and together we can improve both our writing and the public image of the Café. The sign-up sheet is located in the break room next to the lockers. Your participation will keep Corner Café away from the morgue!
Example 3
To: All Employees of HotDam Soup!
From: Jacqueline McConnaughy
Date: January 29, 2014
Subject: Free Writing Skills Workshop
As many of you are aware, we recently had a small incident with one of the signs in our restaurant window. Never having eaten spilt pea soup or carrot-brain muffins, many of our customers were understandably curious and we received many questions and comments about these unusual offerings. In an effort to ensure that future customers only order real food, we are excited to offer all employees the opportunity to partake in a six-week fundamental writing skills workshop.
Writing skills are highly valued by employers, and they are something that we look for in management here at HotDam Soup! Taking advantage of this FREE workshop would be a great way to build your resume, and develop the critical communication skills that will get you noticed. To teach the workshop, we have hired local legend Dr. Will Writewell, who is currently a professor over at Treleaven Community College. Not only is Dr. Writewell known for his book, The Writewell Way: Write Well, Do Well, but he also has a reputation for being an effusive and engaging teacher who is able to bring out the best in his students. Don’t lose out on personalized attention and guidance from this amazing teacher and writer who will help bring your writing skills to a whole new level!
To make it a little more interesting, employees will also receive free lunch and a raffle ticket for every workshop class that they attend. Thus, the more classes you attend, the more chances you have to win. Plus, all employees who complete at least half of the workshop classes will have the chance to make a suggestion and then vote on the big raffle prize. So sign up and try to win that Swedish massage or deep fryer you’ve always wanted!
Sign up sheets will be available on the kitchen bulletin board starting next week. Classes will start the week after that. There will be one class offered per week, but it will be offered on both Wednesday and Thursday to accommodate employees’ differing schedules. So, if you show up on Wednesday, February 12th, you can skip Thursday, February 13th, and vice versa. Each class will last for 1.5 hours, from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, so as to take advantage of the lull between lunch and dinner.
We don’t want to be known as a restaurant with poor ‘pubic’ relations (if you catch my meaning), so sign up for the workshop, develop your skills, and possibly win a prize! We hope to see you all there!

Article writing homework help