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Compose a 2250 words assignment on national strategy for homeland security. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2250 words assignment on national strategy for homeland security. Needs to be plagiarism free! After 9/11, the United States understood that it could no longer sidestep the threat of domestic terrorism and sought to formulate a strategy for preventing, preparing for and responding to events and circumstances of domestic terrorism, or acts of political extremism occurring within our nation’s borders. Perhaps the most significant publication reflecting the increase in dedication by the United States in combating domestic terrorism came with the release of the National Strategy for Homeland Security in July 2002 and the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. The National Strategy for Homeland Security details U.S. efforts for combating terrorism and an overview of the important elements of the 62-page document providing insights into the steps being taken to secure our borders.

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With the re-release of the National Strategy for Homeland Security in October 2007, it is evident that the United States has made tremendous strides since 9/11. In a letter to the American people, President Bush started off by acknowledging those setbacks and challenges the U.S. is continuing to face and also the progress thus made to date. “with our partners and allies, we have broken up terrorist cells, disrupted attacks, and saved American lives” ( The President continues on by stressing the importance of a shared-effort between the American people and the government which has been put in place to protect them. In order to achieve the goals outlined in the strategy, he urges each and every person to be prepared and how the threats we face today demand “multinational effort and cooperation” not only domestically, but also internationally ( Furthermore, the President stresses to the American people that we must not only put a structure in place that supports defensive functions aimed at prevention but also&nbsp.implement offensive tactics to unveil and disable terrorists’ plans before they can strike us.