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Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Disaster Management in Water Science. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract i

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Disaster Management in Water Science. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Disaster Management in Water Science Treatment of water is the nature and process used in making water more hygienic and fit for consumption for the end user to be used for various purposes like drinking, medical uses, industrial processes and much more, since water is important for one to survive and also emergency plans usually include water (Barnes, 2001). The most important goal of the treatment of water is to remove harmful components existing in water, making it fit for consumption (Mailu 2004). This is something that should be done to make sure that the people’s safety is put first. The increasing bush fires have caused major problems in the process affecting water supply. Furthermore, the water that has been tested from the treatment facilities show that the existing water is contaminated as it contains a lot of foreign traces of dirt which makes it unfit for human consumption.

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This is a major disaster that has engulfed the entire community which further contradicts the fact that ample clean water supply is essential for consumption. It is the duty of the county to ensure that clean and safe water is available for all people and animals. Dirty water bears the risk of causing numerous diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis among others hence this calls for water treatment (Mwenda, 1999).I intend to inform the public in general on the importance of treating water before using it for various purposes such as cooking, drinking just to mention. According to Agnes (2000), she notes that that are several ways of treating water and none of them is perfect. She further argues that the best option is to combine several methods together so as to achieve desirable results. On the other hand, most microbes are killed as a result of water treatment but contaminants for instance salts, heavy metals and some chemicals are not removed (Molo, 2003). It is advisable to let all suspensions in water to settle down before one starts water treatment.

Boiling water is considered to be one of the safest methods of water treatment. Another method is disinfection which relates to killing microorganisms by use of household bleach. According to Ooko (2001), household liquid bleach should be the only agent that should be used in water treatment. Water treatment products or iodine chemicals are not desirable as they may endanger the lives of the population exposing them to risk (Nation, 2007). Distillation, on the other hand removes microbes, heavy metals, salts as well as most chemicals (Anthony 2000). However, in this case whereby water treatment is to be carried out on a large scale, bearing in mind the urgency involved in the matter, it is desirable that water is treated with various expensive chemicals which are mostly imported (John, 1999). Disasters can’t be postponed and this therefore calls for everybody to take initiative to strive to have clean water.

In conclusion, water storage is also necessary. As Woodgate (1988) puts it, clean water which is free of bacteria if stored in clean containers, will allow it to remain safe for a number of years. Great care should be practiced since there are high chances of bacteria attack on the water if it stays for long. There is easy storage of water since cooking and drinking water is not required in abundance as compared to agriculture.


Agnes, L (2000) Water Treatment. Nairobi: General Printers

Anthony, B (2000) Emergency Preparedness: Longhorn

John, K (1999) Water Purification. Nairobi: Government Press

Mailu (2004) Water Treatment in Times of Emergency. Longhorn

Molo (2003) Water Management: Longhorn, P.23

Mwenda (1999) Purification: General Printers

Water Issues (2006) A Nation Supplement, 23rd October, 13-14

Ooko, K (2001) Water: A Necessity in Life. Lagos: Back Street

Stephen, K (2006) Water Supply in Disaster Management. Red Cross. Last updated 23August 2007. Available from

Woodgate (2007) The Natural Gold. Nairobi: Government Press.