Article Writing Homework Help
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on self-esteem branding. The hypothesis the author would like to prove in his proposal is that the average person will more likely buy products and bra
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on self-esteem branding. The hypothesis the author would like to prove in his proposal is that the average person will more likely buy products and brands that are targeting their specific problems and concerns. His research will also show that consumers are much more informed and become antagonized when marketers under-rate their intelligence and try to prescribe what they should use, wear or look like. The underlying fact that will be proven is that customers in today’s world want to be recognized as individuals who have a choice and who are educated enough to understand what promotion and marketing strategies are untrue, superficial, threaten their individuality and questioning their intelligence.
The method the author will use to source my information will include surveys among 18 to 30-year-old customer (men and woman) segment, with the main outcomes supported by literature information sourced from textbooks, journals, magazines, and the internet. Due to time restriction, sampling will be restricted to 20 persons, striving to obtain an equal sample from men and woman. . Self-Esteem marketing has become a hot topic highly debated by scholars and philosophers. It is within this context that my proposed research could be of great value within the fashion industry. Celebrity labels promotion and marketing may have a detrimental effect on the average customer’s self-esteem. As some people may never be able to wear sexy outfits or have nice teeth or soft mark-free skin. Yet many brands promote only perfect people, making the normal person in the street feel inferior, resulting in lowering of self-esteem. Some academics have argued that lower self-esteem leads to higher school drop out rates, lower chances of promotion in the work environment, and reduced changes for a long term relationship. This the author see the mainstream of fashion marketing and promotion bordering on the unethical and believe that “Self-Esteem Marketing” is a much more ethical approach that could be used to promote and market apparel that is better suited for the target customer segment. By meeting the unique fashion needs of a target group, it is possible to enhance their self-esteem as this will show acceptance in society. What makes different target groups unique can be seen as market niche opportunities for players in the fashion industry, which could increase sales and this the market share of companies implementing such a strategy.
As an example, the marketing strategies towards Hispanics in the United States can be seen as .supporting evidence that “Self-Esteem Marketing” can and do work. Increasingly, since the 1980’s marketers have paid more and more attention to US Hispanics and unwittingly they have created a most fascinating phenomenon. Those who were previously seen as unworthy are now being courted. In an interesting turn of events, the marketing efforts directed to US Hispanics have done a great job in enhancing they’re self- esteem.