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Write 2 pages with APA style on Toyota Socio Cultural Bus310. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Introduction Toyota is a motor corporation with Japanese roots. It has its headquarters
Write 2 pages with APA style on Toyota Socio Cultural Bus310. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Introduction Toyota is a motor corporation with Japanese roots. It has its headquarters in Toyota, Aichi that is in Japan. Toyota motor company has developed global marketing strategy that enables consumers of Toyota products from different states to consume different model than other consumers from other parts of the globe. The Toyota Motor Company offers diverse products to each region on the grounds of adaptation of that particular model in that respective region. Each cluster of Toyota motor company’s sales in different states faces different factors from the other. According to Kennedy (2003), one of the main factors that affect sales of Toyota Motor Company’s brands is socio-cultural factors as the document discusses.
Every regional cluster differs in trends, size and customer preferences. The document compares the ASEAN and American clusters. The ASEAN cluster is the cluster that the Japanese automakers have dominated more than other clusters in the world. The Toyota Motor Company makes most of the sales in this cluster than any other part of the world. On the other hand, the American cluster is another consumer of the products of Toyota motor company (Liker & Meier, 2006). However, the rate of consumption is lower as compared to that of the ASEAN cluster. Socio-cultural factors are the leading cause of this notable difference between these two clusters. The socio-cultural factors affect the customer preferences of these two clusters.
The aspect has hence caused the Toyota Motor Company to make use of a region-centric approach in the delivery of its products. The region-centric approach entails offering products to regions or clusters with respect to the culture and economies of the respective cluster. The ASEAN cluster, therefore, receives different products from the American cluster. The availability of local brands in the American cluster such as Ford is one of the social factors that affect the consumption of Toyota brands in America. Toyota model being an Asian product has consequently received much support in the ASEAN cluster which is an Asian based cluster. The aspect, therefore, clearly indicates that the brands consumers tend to lean more on the products that are of their own which is based on socio-cultural aspect (Liker & Meier, 2007).
The Toyota Motor Company, however, has greatly achieved in making its sales despite variation in factors that tend to define the rate of their product’s consumption. The region-centric approach is one of the major approaches that are attributed to the company’s success. Despite the company’s successes, it has also failed in one way or the other. One of the company successes it is the leading auto sellers in the world. The fact is brought about mainly because of its popularity in the entire world. The company has also succeeded in production of a wide variety of brands as opposed to other brands hence flourishing over their competitors. Toyota Motor Company has, however, been accused of charging high prices on their brands. The aspect acts as one of the main company’s drawbacks. The Toyota brands are also characterized by a number of faults in their bodies and engines hence acting as another company’s failure (Sato, 2008).
Kennedy, M. N. (2003). .Product development for the lean enterprise: Why Toyotas system is four times more productive and how you can implement it. Richmond, Va. :Oaklea Press.
Liker, J. K., & Meier, D. (2006). .The Toyota way fieldbook: A practical guide for implementing Toyotas 4Ps. New York [u.a.: McGraw-Hill.
Liker, J. K., & Meier, D. (2007). .Toyota talent: Developing your people the Toyota way. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sato, M. (2008). .The Toyota leaders: An executive guide. New York: Vertical.