Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Clarifying your goals. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Clarifying your goals. It needs to be at least 250 words. Clarifying Your Goals Introduction In the present competitive scenario, an individual is required to be competent with the aim of excelling in personal and professional life. It is essential to possess wisdom and knowledge with the aim of developing competitions. In this context, I am required to possess wisdom and knowledge in order to be successful in my goals. The essay emphasizes the goal based on which I have planned to pursue my MBA program and develop my professional life effectively. .

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The two objectives are wisdom and knowledge, which I need to accomplish in order to build my competencies in my education program and professional life. Wisdom and knowledge will help me to make suitable decisions in my personal and professional context. Knowledge and wisdom will ensure my contribution towards my profession significantly (Por & Molloy, 2000).

Measurable Milestones

In order to enhance my wisdom and knowledge level, I am required to identify a rational objective of my goal. In this regard, the milestones for achieving my objectives will be time management and innovation. The milestones will aid in developing my creativity skills to develop and enhance my personal as well as professional knowledge base (Por & Molloy, 2000).

Time Line

I will need around four months to enhance my wisdom and knowledge level. During this four months period, I will learn more about the changing technologies of modern era, which will ensure my efficiency level by possessing adequate knowledge about the modern technologies used in different business operations. In a similar manner, the time management skill will assist in building my creativeness. I am required to look for a mentor, who will assists me in developing my competencies for accomplishing mu objectives effectively. Moreover, I have developed an action plan in order to ensure that I accomplish my goal successfully (Por & Molloy, 2000).

Figure 1: Time Line


I have identified that to ensure my goal, I will require a mentor to teach me the techniques based on which I will be able to accomplish my objectives successfully, so that I become competent for my MBA program and professional life. Accordingly, I have developed a time line, which will aid me in accomplishing my desired objectives and goal within stipulated timeframe.


Por, G., & Molloy, J. (2000). Nurturing systemic wisdom through knowledge ecology. Pegasus Communications, 11(8), 1-5.