Article Writing Homework Help

While I appreciate that you have done a great job in describing the difference between leadership and management; however, to further enhance your knowledge bases on the difference between leadership

While I appreciate that you have done a great job in describing the difference between leadership and management; however, to further enhance your knowledge bases on the difference between leadership and management, and between assigned leadership and emergent leadership, please peruse the following YouTube Videos and the attached or configured articles that may interest you:

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  1. Manager Vs. Leader: Difference between them with definition & Comparison Chart 
  2. Fourteen Difference Between Leadership and Management
  3. The Key Differences Between Leading and Managing 
  4. Defining Leadership
  5. Managers Require; Leaders Inspire
  6. Assigned and Emergent Leadership 2 
  7. Popovici, V. (2012). Similarities and differences between management and leadership. Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi Din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie, (2), 126-135.
  8. Solomon, I. G., Costea, C., & Niță, A. M. (2016). Leadership versus management in public organizations. Economics, Management & Financial Markets, 11(1), 143–15.
  9. Wajdi, M. B. N. (2017). The differences between management and leadership. Sinergi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen, 7(2), 75-84.

Please Consider the Following CATs:

  • Given the perspectives shared on the WK 1 DQ2, how would you reconcile your thoughtful viewpoints on the difference between leadership and management, and between assigned leadership and emergent leadership with the worldviews observed or shared from the above YouTube Videos and the attached or configured articles that interest you? 
  • Having watched the YouTube Videos and perused the attached or configured articles that interest you, has your viewpoints changed on whether you can be a leader without being a manager or a manager without being a leader? 
  • Also, consider whether the real-world scenarios you have provided resonates with the worldviews observed or shared from the above YouTube Videos and the attached or configured articles that interest you. Why would you think so? (Substantive Responses to the Question Will Count for Participation Points!).