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Write a 11 pages paper on marks and spencers strategic management. The basic lack of initiative came from the employee base. It has been felt that with its varied departments and interests, the best w

Write a 11 pages paper on marks and spencers strategic management. The basic lack of initiative came from the employee base. It has been felt that with its varied departments and interests, the best way to tackle competition and take forward expansion is to understand varied kinds of people. For this, using a cultural web on the floor is important.

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Michael E Porter has paved the way for revolutionary strategising trends and a whole new perspective on competition through his competitive advantage theory. In the corporate world, Porter’s first book Competitive Strategy (1980), which he wrote in his thirties, became an international bestseller and is considered to be an authoritative piece of work on corporate strategy. The book, which has been published in nineteen languages and re-printed approaching sixty times, changed the way business leaders’ minds worked. Further, it remains a guide of choice for strategic managers on a global scale. Apart from being rich in lessons about why and how industries, regions, and nations succeed or fail, this book is of great value as the first serious attempt to develop a really original grand theory of national economic development processes since the early years of Postwar development economics, and one of the most original ways of thinking about development policy in years.

Under the leadership of Rose, the company had seen growth in Food, clothing and other depart by April 2006. Before laying down the formal plan of action, it is necessary to understand the elements that will be involved in the strategy that has been by Rose, from the perspective of the company. This will help us understand the exact application of the theories through the length and breadth of the paper. A major part of Rose’s plan of action must include following a strategy based on gaining competitive advantage as well as achieving sustainable entrepreneurial growth. Let us first examine competitive advantage to see how and where it will fit in with the overall growth and expansion of M & S.

Competitive advantage is the response of a firm to the pressing need to organize and perform discrete activities. While these needs may not be perpetually spelt out, it is the responsibility of the planners and executors of policies to foresee such situations when catering for growth and development of the firm on various levels. The basic explanation for this comes from the fact that any change on an individual level is affected by changes on a national level. Yet, Porter’s theory cannot accommodate strategies and competitiveness at such levels due to various constraints. The first of these emerges from the fact that people run businesses and economies – and everyone has his or her own unique style. These cannot be covered at length when talking which factors and resources will be utilized in which combination. Thus Porter’s theory does not provide an accurate account of the diversity and dynamism in the corporate and commercial environment that businesses and firms thrive in.