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Need help with my writing homework on Criminology. Write a 500 word paper answering; Oceans Eleven Introduction Oceans Eleven is a famous American comedy heist movie which was produced in 2001. The film improves on 1960’s Rat Pack movie and it is directed by Soderbergh. The movie features Brad Pitt, Andy García, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Julia Roberts and George Clooney. Soderbergh also directed two sequels, namely: Oceans twelve in 2004 and Oceans thirteen in 2007.

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The Plot

The movies begins with Danny Ocean (Sinatra) being released from prison. He gathers a group of his World War II friends to pull off Las Vegas heist. Together the eleven compatriots plot to rob five Las Vegas casinos in a single night during New Year celebration. Danny Ocean recruits his old friend Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt), and they pool a dream gang of criminals, each of whom has a special role. There is a computer expert, a destruction expert, a con man, a pickpocket etc.

When the plan is on move, Danny Ocean goes to the Bellagio. Benedict sees him and has him confined in storeroom to be tortured by the Bruiser. But, Bruiser his is friend and allows him to escape via a ventilation shaft to join his group in the vault. Linus pretends to be a gaming agent and informs Benedict that one of his workers is a former con. Linus and Frank stage fight in presence of Benedict so that Linus can steal codes to access the vault written on a paper inside Benedicts coat.

Yen joins the team in the casino vault to help in activating the explosives from the inside. Posing as rich arms dealer Saul sneaks explosives into the casino and then fakes a heart attack that is treated by Rusty pretending to be a doctor.

The group triggers a stolen device to briefly interrupt the casinos power system, allowing them to break the vault unnoticed. As Benedict tries to restore calmness resulting from the power outage, Rusty secretly calls him and informs him that the vaults is being robbed and that all the money will be damaged if he fails to cooperate in stocking some money into a car waiting outside . After observing video footage of the vault, he cooperates in loading the money but orders his team to follow the car after it leaves and calls security to safeguard the money left in the vault.

The men following the car find out that it is being remote controlled and instead of money its carrying flyers. Benedict realizes that the vault video footage he had been watching was pre-recorded and was pre-recorded. A flashback shows that Danny had used the vault replica to produce the false video Benedict had watched. The rest of the group posed as security officials and steal the money in the vault when responding Benedict’s distress call. Benedict then goes back to the where Danny and finds him still there leaving him with nobody to connect to the theft.

The Characters and Events

The characters in this movie are inspired by the desire to achieve their goals. Their will to organize the celebration was motivated by their desire to commit a crime. Using their creativity they come up with a unique plan to steal US$150 million to share amongst them.

Danny Ocean is a creative character and who formulated a plan that nobody can imagine. He is a charismatic leader and a thinker who comes up with ways to solve problems. He is also secretive because he never revealed to his team that Benedict was involved with his ex-wife. The viewers are likely to portray him as a person who uses intellect rather than authority. Dan Ocean is a motivated and dedicated leader who works smartly to achieve his goals.

Application to Social Theories of Criminology

This movie shows how social structure influences behavioral deviance. Dan Ocean takes advantage of his compatriots in the World War II and lures them into crime. From this movie we learn that social ecology has an influence to criminal acts. Social disorders as a result of poverty and isolation contribute to higher levels of crimes. In addition, social theory postulates that crime can be prevented by getting rid of situations conducive for its occurrence. It can thus be argued that the presence of the celebration created environment conducive for crime occurrence.