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Cultural Artifact Speech Guidelines


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You are to prepare a 4-5 minute speech about a culture that you are a member of, and present an object that is a representation of that culture. This speech does NOT require outside research, although you will still need to present your credibility as a speaker. This is an extemporaneous style speech, meaning that you should be practiced and prepared, but you will NOT be reading a manuscript of your speech word for word. Instead, you will be allowed 1 3X5 notecard to help you follow along during your speech. My suggestion for you is to put key words and phrases on your notecard that will help you keep track of your progress during your speech as well as helping you to remember what you need to discuss. Your outlines will be a guideline for what you will talk about but you are in no way going to read us your outline word for word; the content should be very similar, but the wording will differ. That being said, you should NOT be “winging” this speech; a good speech will be well prepared and practiced beforehand. If you attempt to stand up in front of the class and just talk about your culture for the allotted time, chances are high that you will miss many components of the grading rubric and will do poorly on the assignment. The best speeches will tightly follow the structure of the outline, will be well practiced and rehearsed, and hit every point on the rubric with excruciating efficiency. Your job as a speaker is to prepare an outline, write a helpful notecard, rehearse your speech, and follow the rubric; doing all of these things will all but assure you an excellent grade.


Tips for earning full credit on the outline:


  • The outline MUST be typed, with full sentences, and turned in at the beginning of class.
  • The outline should strictly follow the formatting of the outline available online.
  • Write like you speak- envision yourself saying these words to the class; be explicit, be clear, and assume that your audience has NO prior knowledge on what you’re talking about.
  • The phrases “my culture” or “the culture” should never be used. Always be specific and say the actual culture that you’re using; repetition is key to understanding for your audience.


Steps to crafting the best speech possible:


1) Select a culture and object that you are familiar with, passionate about, and excited to discuss to the class. Your enthusiasm directly leads to our enthusiasm.

2) Download and print both the “outline-guidance” and “outline-blank” documents off of Canvas.

3) Use the guidance document to help you understand what each component of the speech is asking of you. Type DIRECTLY into the blank outline to ensure 100% adherence to the formatting requirements.

4) Start with the body of the speech- it will greatly help you come up with ideas for the intro and conclusion.

5) Work through the introduction and conclusion, leaving the attention getter and memorable closer for the end.

6) PROOFREAD your outline to ensure that it has correct spelling and grammar.

7) Turn in your speech in class as soon as class begins.

8) Sit back and be proud that you’ve crafted the best possible speech that you can produce, until it’s time to practice and rehearse of course.