Article Writing Homework Help

1. There are couple of questions when you open the first document “ACE SCENARIOS” in order to answer the questions in document you need to read/check the document named ” What is Persuasion”. Another

1. There are couple of questions when you open the first document “ACE SCENARIOS” in order to answer the questions in document you need to read/check the document named ” What is Persuasion”.

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Another question is down below I will post it here no need to open files or anything else.

I would like you to mark the answers next to the question so I know which answer goes to which question. Thanks

2. Here is the question: READ CAREFULLY !!! Remember you have to choose only 1 from the 10 and explain.

Select one and explain fully what methodologies you believe are best for dealing with “the disruptor” and how to ease the situation that could become difficult. 

 1. You are facilitating a meeting where the speaker has been talking for past his/her normal time and you see the other participants looking glazed, making little eye contact with the speaker and several people doodling.

2. You are facilitating a meeting at which the Mayor is speaking. Sam, a longtime antagonist of the Mayor, has interrupted the Mayor three times and is giving him a hard time. You haven’t intervened because you are used to the Mayor being able to handle these situations on his own.

3. You are facilitating a meeting and the third topic for discussion is taking longer than you have originally scheduled. You canvas the audience and they seem interested in the discussion. You still have four items on the agenda for this evening’s meeting.

4. The engineering department is making a progress report on a controversial street improvement project that has been going on for two years. Audience participants are angry that the project has taken so long and are pummeling the project engineer with questions and concerns. He wasn’t prepared for this kind of response and is looking to you for help.

 5. The City is proposing a zoning change in your neighborhood area. You know the meeting will be contentious and that many residents will show up to voice their opinion. You want to make sure that this will be a productive meeting.

 6. You are facilitating a meeting and one newcomer has talked for 10 minute about an issue that was not on the agenda for the evenings meeting. You sense that the rest of the group is tired of the discussion and wants to move on.

7. Charlie, a frequent and annoying participant at your neighborhood meetings, has disrupted the last three meetings with his discussion of an issue that is only of interest to him. You are determined that he will not disrupt the meeting this time.

 8. At your last two NAC meetings participants have complained that the meetings are dragging on and that nothing is getting done. If things don’t change, they say that they will not come back.

9. During a discussion about an agenda item, one of the participants keeps cutting other people off before they are finished completing their thoughts.

10. During a meeting you are facilitating, two participants are having side comments to one another and making it difficult for others to focus on the agenda item being discussed. What do you do?