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Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic US Intel Community. US Intel Community The intelligence function, as part of the US regime’s activities constitutes a Cold War product. This is becaus

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic US Intel Community. US Intel Community The intelligence function, as part of the US regime’s activities constitutes a Cold War product. This is because the Intelligence Community development was during that period. Even though it has had several incarnations over time, it has always supported the US military forces when it comes to formulating the US policies towards foreign countries1. Intelligence in the US regained prominence after WWII because by the time the US was going to war, it did not have coordinated intelligence. Hence, this bore a significant role in the British intelligence bring US into war2. Therefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued intelligence and thus established spy networks.

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Over the years, both the legislative as well as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganization of the US Intelligence Community. The goals of these proposals reflect the international environment and the American foreign policy trends as well as all domestic concerns regarding governmental accountability3.

The constitution gives Congress the power to authorize militia use to execute the union’s laws, repel invasions and suppress the insurrection4. The Intelligence Community has so far accomplished counterintelligence and foreign intelligence. Counterintelligence involves gathering information, protection against espionage, sabotage or assassinations by foreign governments or terrorists. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign government’s activities or the activities of international terrorists5. Since the Act’s creation, which coincided with the establishment of the modern Army, only four men have held the demanding job of the Army’s Chief of Staff (“Top Soldier”)6.


“National Security Act of 1947.” National Security Act Of 1947 (January 17, 2009): 1. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed September 3, 2014).

“The Evolution of the Intelligence Community: An historical overview,” Last Modified 13rd February 1996, accessed 3rd September 2014

Best, Richard A. “Proposal for Intelligence Reorganization, 1949-2004.” CRS Report for Congress, Last Modified 24Th September 2004, Accessed 3rd September 2014,

Doyle, Charles & Elsea, Jennifer, Elsea, K. “The Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters: The Use of the Military to Execute Civilian Law.” Congressional Research service, Last Modified 16Th August 2012, Accessed 3rd September 2014,

Nuclear Vault. Top Soldier – The Big Picture. [Video]. Last Modified 2011, Accessed 3rdd September 2014,