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Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the concept of race in othello the moor of venice.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the concept of race in othello the moor of venice. The in an effort to gain a well-developed perspective on the meaning and signification of race in this controversial text scholarship on the plays is considered as well as historical accounts of 16-17th-century Elizabethan society.

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In the opening Act of Othello the Moor of Venice the reader is immediately introduced to the concept of race as Iago and Roderigo inform Desdemona’s father Barbantio that Desdemona and Othello have been, “making the beast with two backs” (I.i.118). In this scene Othello is described with derisive racial terms, he is referred to as “the Moor” (I.i.57), “the thick-lips” (I.i.66), and “a Barbary horse” (I.i.113). It appears that this is a calculated move on Iago’s part, as he realizes that Barbantio will react negatively to his daughter and a Moor engaging in such acts. While there is a sense that Barbantio would object to anyone cohabitating with his daughter, indeed he rejected Roderigo for the same act, however, Brabantio undeniably seems to connect race to Othello’s ability to woe Desdemona, “Is there not charms/ By which the property of youth and maidenhood/ May be abused?” (I.i.170-171).