Biology homework help

Biology homework help. Serious inquires onlyI need someone who can write a professional persuasive 3 page letter, It can be more but has to be at least 3 pages. This letter is for the VA for vocational Rehabilitation program. It will be addressing my request to change my program intent from ADN (Associate Degree Nursing) to MBA in Healthcare Administration.The key points this letter needs to hit is as follows and can be in any order:1. I currently have a bachelor’s degree in psychology but unfortunately there is no jobs out here looking for bachelor’s degrees in psychology. They all want master’s degrees and up or years in experience.2. The ADN program cost an estimated amount of $8976 for 68 credit hours, with an additional estimated book cost of $1250, additional uniform and supplies cost of $380 and an additional testing fees, Licensure, background, vaccinations and insurance fees of $1264. The book fee is way on the low side. For the summer semester my books were around $560 and this semester they were around $780. Uniforms and supplies cost way more than $380. The MBA program is $7708.35, the lowest in NC. There are no supplies and the program is completely online. Book rental fee, Student Government Association fee and security fees are $225.50.3. I need to change programs because my disabilities will not let me get far with the nursing program. My knee, shoulder and back injuries will not allow me to pick up and carry a patient.  And right now, I am being seen for my knee and back again. With the MBA it is a desk job so there is less stress on my joints, and I can do it more effectively.4. At this moment with my bachelor’s degree and my background experience in the army, I was only able to get a G5 job. This job is not even equivalent to what I made in the army. I am being paid less then what I made. I am living check to check and am in constant notice of having my electricity, water and heat shut off. This job has not promotion potential and will not allow me to take care of me or my family.5. Having a MBA in Healthcare Administration will not aggravate my disabilities, is stable, and is consistent with my pattern of abilities, aptitudes, and interests.  It will also get me into an entry level job that help me support my familyAnything else that you can add to help me out with this letter to make it more persuasive to me being accepted into the new program is greatly appreciated.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me @

Biology homework help

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