BUS 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation Discussion Question 1 – Summary & Critical Thinking – Week/Course Learning Outcomes Welcome to the last week of your course. In this discussion question you have the opportunity to be creative and to relate what you have learned to your professional lives. Please explore and critically think about some of the learning outcomes and concepts presented in this course. Please effectively communicate how you would lead an organization (or a group of people within the organization) by applying the knowledge you have learned ethically and responsibly. Your discussion should also include innovative thinking, and information-technology aspects (such as the Internet, social-media, computers, and so forth) that may assist you in decision-making. You may frame your discussion around any functional component of business, and in any context; problem-solving, management, leadership, organizational behavior, and so forth. BUS 720 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior Discussion Question 1 – CLO 3 What are two characteristics of the source of a message that influence its ability to change attitudes? Describe each and provide with real-life examples. Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain in your own words. Support your statements with peer-reviewed in-text citation(s) and reference(s)

BUS 700 Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation

Discussion Question 1 –

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Summary & Critical Thinking – Week/Course Learning Outcomes Welcome to the last week of your course. In this discussion question you have the opportunity to be creative and to relate what you have learned to your professional lives. Please explore and critically think about some of the learning outcomes and concepts presented in this course. Please effectively communicate how you would lead an organization (or a group of people within the organization) by applying the knowledge you have learned ethically and responsibly. Your discussion should also include innovative thinking, and information-technology aspects (such as the Internet, social-media, computers, and so forth) that may assist you in decision-making. You may frame your discussion around any functional component of business, and in any context; problem-solving, management, leadership, organizational behavior, and so forth.

BUS 720 Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior

Discussion Question 1 – CLO 3

What are two characteristics of the source of a message that influence its ability to change attitudes? Describe each and provide with real-life examples. Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain in your own words. Support your statements with peer-reviewed in-text citation(s) and reference(s)