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SPC 1017 Keiser University Healthcare Informative Speech Outline

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Alright, for week 2, if you see the assignments. You will see there is a speech that I need to give for my speech and communication class. See the requirement for the speach below. Also, I would like to have an INFORMATIVE SPEECH about Healthcare and its importance during these pandemic. If you look at Speech informative Outline, I have included a picture of what the outline needs to look.

Week 2 Assignment Information

This week we begin working on our first speech – Informative Speech. This speech will be video recorded (no audio presentations are accepted) or presented live in instructor-designated Office Hour.

Your task is to prepare a 5 minute speech to inform. This information can be about your job, a hobby, important medical news that you might wish to report on, or a famous person, for example. Appropriate topics are endless, however, all topics must be RELEVANT to a general audience! Speeches that demonstrate, explain, or inform the audience about the use of weapons of ANY kind or illegal activities or substances will NOT be accepted! Please check with me if you need clarification.

NB: The speech MUST be delivered EXTEMPORANEOUSLY. Speeches that are read or memorized in whole or part will be automatically disqualified.

NB: Due to COVID-19, audience requirements have been waived.

There are 2 parts to this assignment:

  1. A written outline (due this Sunday, but earlier submissions give you the best chance at receiving earlier feedback and having more time for speech adjustments)
  2. A video recording/live presentation (due Sunday of this Week, but can be submitted as late as Wednesday of Week 3 without any late penalties – please plan accordingly). Speeches will not be accepted for grade after the grace period. No exceptions.

Week 2 Assignment Part 1: Informative Speech Outline

For the first part of your assignment you will submit a complete sentence outline (NOT a topic outline or a written transcript!). Please attend or watch the recording of Keiser Live Week 2 BEFORE starting this assignment for a complete understanding of the expectations and requirements of the assignment.

In an effort to help you understand this assignment, a template has been offered. Please use it to outline your speech.

Remember that visual aids are not required, yet highly encouraged (for extra points). If you have visual aids, you will need to show them when presenting the speech, as well as list them in your outline. If you are using sources, please make sure your references are formatted using APA 7th edition style.

Please note that your submissions are checked through SafeAssign for compliance with academic integrity policies. Reports are available to you immediately upon submission. Please check your outlines for academic integrity – if your work shows any similarity issues, you are responsible for fixing these issues PRIOR to final submission. Outlines that are not accurately cited, or have too high of a similarity index will not be accepted for grading.

To review the grading rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment, please click “Week 2 Assignment Part 1: Informative Speech Outline” link and click on “View Rubric” to review all graded elements.

Week 2 Assignment Part 2: Informative Speech

Please watch this short You Tube video about recording and uploading your speech: Recording and Uploading Your Speech

Please review the Options for Submitting a Speech in the Getting Started Section of the course

After preparing your outline you will practice and record your speech. Please note that you cannot pause your recording at any time. If you pause the recording, the assignment will be disqualified, so make sure it does not happen. This goes with any sort of post-production editing…not permitted at all as this is to simulate a live public speech. Be sure to show your audience as well! NB: Extemporaneous Speaking ONLY: Absolutely NO reading or memorizing permitted. If you read or memorize your speech in whole or part, it will be disqualified.

Please click on the above hyperlink (Week 2 Assignment Part 2: Informative Speech) and scroll down to the comment box.

If you are uploading your speech to a website (You Tube, Drop Box, Vimeo, Google Drive), the comment box is the place to share your link.

If you are planning to present in KeiserLive! – please enter “will present in Keiser Live!”

If you uploaded to Connect – please enter “Uploaded to Connect”

To review the grading rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment, please click “Assignment Part 2: Informative Speech” link and look for the following icon. Click on “View Rubric” to review all graded elements. There is also a PDF listed below with this rubric.

The link to your speech is due Sunday by 11:59 p.m. (you have a grace period until WEDNESDAY of Week 3 by 11:59pm at the latest to submit should you need additional time for technical issues, practice, etc). Absolutely NO acceptable reason for a late submission past the grace period however, and speeches not submitted by the end of the grace period will receive a zero grade. No exceptions. Earlier submissions are acceptable as well. Please double check that the link to your speech is working before you submit via the Comment Box.

  • linked item Week 2 Discussion

    2 Discussion forum by clicking on the Discussion tab on your Course Home menu, or by clicking the title link above.

  • Week 2 Quiz 2

    QuizClick for more optionsThis Quiz can be taken as many times as you wish to earn the highest grade possible. Give yourself enough time to retake it if you find it necessary 🙂

    Also please keep in mind that every time you take a test, you may see different questions – this is meant to give you an opportunity to apply all material you read so diligently in your textbook, and to start preparing for the Final Exam. Questions on the Final will be pulled from the quizzes in weeks 1, 2 and 3.