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Global Standardization Strategy in Companies Discussion Paper

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Chapter 13 Forum

Discussion Prompt:

In what kind of industries does a localization strategy make sense? 

When does global standardization strategy make most sense? Use examples of specific firms.

Assignment Resources:

  1. Before you complete this assignment:

Read Chapter 13

  1. Review the Chapter 13 Lecture Notes

Chapters 12 Forum 

Discussion Prompt:

Why has cryptocurrency grown so rapidly recently? 

Do you think this growth will continue and is it good for the global capital market? Why or why not?

  • Assignment Resources:
  • Before you complete this assignment:

Read Chapter 12

Assignment Requirements:

This assignment requires that you post THREE (3) times: 

ONE (1) initial posting for yourself. Answer each question thoroughly to receive full points. Use current examples you observe to illustrate your answer and cite the textbook to support your answers.