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SLU John Gospel and Mark Gospel Discussion

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Why do you think Jesus in John’s Gospel is not baptized by John the Baptist as he is in Mark’s Gospel, but instead is presented as an executive in charge of baptizing (Jn. 1:32-34; 3:22-23; 4:1-3)?

The Gospel of John makes reference is a different way as it does in Mark’s gospel. Identifies only as John, and does not attach his identity as “the baptist” with his person. Only in a very unique way do we hear about the baptism of John in his words: “I baptize with water” (1:26), and in reference to Jesus, John responds, “I myself did not know him, but I came baptizing with water for this reason that he might be revealed to Israel” (1:31).

John bears witness to the baptism event in this way: “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. I myself did not know him but the one who sent to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God” (1:32-34).

John’s gospel does not have Jesus baptized  but he is outperforming John the Baptist and is kind of executive over the  baptizing enterprise, as a matter of fact it shows Jesus as an authority rather than someone that is in agony or suffering.


Berge 2008

Imperato, Robert. Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide. Third, Hamilton Books, 2020. Page 57.

Part 1(b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States for references

Why do you think Jesus in John’s Gospel is not baptized by John the Baptist as he is in Mark’s Gospel, but instead is presented as an executive in charge of baptizing (Jn 1:32-34, 3:22-23; 4:1-3)?

The reason why Jesus in John’s Gospel is not baptized by John the Baptist is that in John’s Gospel Jesus is removed from the controversy being seen in Mark, Matthew and Luke where Jesus is subordinating himself to John the Baptist in a ritual of penitents. In chapter 4 of John’s Gospel, John presents Jesus as a person of authority. “Not only does John’s Gospel does not contain Jesus’s baptism, but also does not present his temptation in the desert, his agony in the Garden of Gethsemani or his crying out from the cross: ‘My God, why have you forsaken me?’ His titles I Am and Word of God give foundation to that authority. His function as life giver show him as the answer to human desire and further as an image within a sacramental church. (Imperato, pg. 57)


Imperato, Robert. Portrait of Jesus: A Reading Guide, Third Edition, pg 57. Hamilton Books, 2020.

Part 2(a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States for references

Discuss how using systems thinking will influence your decision-making.

System thinking in a broad way can be understood as a process in the world is looked as a system of hierarchy that is somehow connected in one way or another. Each problem has this connection where solutions can be found accordingly. System thinking is the system of communication. In most cases, traditional thinking problems are isolated where a solution is found only for that specific issues; systems thinking the problem is given a wider view results where the problem various solution from multiple angles. Problem solving is easy and more promising with this type of thinking. 

Systems thinking consist of three different elements: emergent properties, hierarchical structure, and control decision. Each of these elements play a specific role but each is very important. Emergent thinking should be understood that a problem constitutes of various elements and each one should be individually looked into when the issues are being solved. No particular component should not be isolated during problem. Hierarchical structure proves that everything has a set of hierarchy through which levels can be reached. Lastly, control decision making process is completely supported by hierarchy and systems thinking. 

Elmansy, R. (2016, February 9). The Six Systems Thinking Steps to Solve Complex Problems. Retrieved from 

Part 2(b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States for references

Systems thinking is universal approach of reviewing the internal and external environment and circumstances surrounding it to review potential consequences (Grimsley, 2021). By understanding each of the systems individually and how they interact with each other (including the team members), can help decision-makers throughout the process that in turn yield productivity and contribute to the best possible outcomes (Morganelli, 2020).

As business problems become more complex, it is smart to have a system in place that takes into account the entire environment as a whole and broken down in parts. Understanding all parts can bring clarity to any issues or obstacles that appear during the decision-making process, thus influencing which method to take or workflow. Businesses can view information outside of the internal environment that they would not normally see that could affect the decision and the possible outcome (Morganelli, 2020).


Grimsley, Shawn. [David J. Kozirovsky]. (2017, November 6). What is Systems Theory? [Video file]. YouTube. 

Morganelli, M. (March 18, 2020). What is Systems Thinking? Retrieved from…

Part 3

Explain how and why Matthew may have edited Mark’s Gospel. Use the following two sets of passages to support your claim.

According to course materials (Bible, textbook, digital materials linked below, etc.):

1. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 6:45-52 contrasted with Matthew 14:25-27,32-33?

2. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 9:2-10 contrasted with Matthew 17:1-13?