Business Finance Homework Help
MAR 4400 Florida International University Final Role Play Evaluation and Critique
I need support with this Marketing question so I can learn better.
Please read these instructions before submitting your assignment!
Use this template: FINAL Role Play Assignment Template
Late submissions are subject to a 10% penalty per day.
Here you have the Final Role Play Scenarios for both Seller and Buyer
Please practice within your teams or with other students
You should do at least the following three (3) sessions with your practice Buyer:
- Session 1: Get acquainted and review your first role play with your Buyer,
- Session 2: Practice for your final role play with your Buyer using the Seller Role
- Session 3: Switch roles and keep practicing.
I suggest you start working on your Final Role play. It has to be recorded during the weeks of June 8th.
The final role plays must be recorded and they can be done via video conference using either Zoom, You-Tube, Skype or Hangouts. You are also welcome to come to the Global Sales Lab to record the final Role play.
- Work with your class-mates to do this role play. Preferably with someone from your same group; however you might work with someone else from the class.
- Your Final Role Play Recording should last at least 7 minutes but no longer than 10 minutes.
What Do I Submit After My Role Play?
After you have completed the role play and debrief with your Buyer, watch your video recording, (several times is recommended) – upload your Final Role Play recording in CANVAS and complete the FINAL Role Play Assignment Template.
Read the instructions in the template carefully.