Business Finance Homework Help
Managing a Communicator Journal
1. Please choose one of the following key terms below from Chapter 6. In your journal entry, provide your insights, experiences, challenges, etc. on the topic. Your journal entry must be 1 full page, single-spaced (Any titles or headings in your journal such as your name, name of the class, instructor or journal title are not considered part of the 1 full page entry).
Write in standard English writing style; that is, using complete sentences and paragraphs. The journal should consist of a reflection upon your own experience with the key term identified in this week’s readings. Make it personal, remember that this is a reflection. Draw from examples and observations from your life and experience. See the Syllabus for more detailed guidelines. write one page single space.
Key Terms to choose from:
· Leading question
· Panel interview
· Structured interview
· Critical incident question
2. You will approach a current conflict situation that you face in your work (NOT a conflict that was addressed and resolved in the past). You may also choose a conflict outside of work if you like. Most importantly, choose a situation that is current, relevant and important to you.
Using the tools and techniques discussed in the text (Chapters 3-5) and covered in class, you will communicate with someone you have a current conflict with. You will identify your goal (for example, to get a certain action/outcome; to sway a decision; to influence a change in behavior; to be heard; etc), and you will decide what approach you want to take.
You will then communicate with that person (ideally face-to-face, but you can choose the most appropriate and available channel). Following your interaction, you will diagnose how it went and what you might have done differently to improve the chances of meeting your goal. write 3 pages double space.