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CSU Project Management Simulation Presentation

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  • Presentation of the simulation, including best practices gained and lessons learned )

Your presentation should be well structured, like all project management communications. Use the following outline as main points of your presentation to provide structure. Utilize presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and add graphics and talking points for your audience.

  • Introduction: Provide background and tell the viewer what to expect from the presentation.
  • Key decisions made: Describe a few of the decisions made in the simulation that were critical to the overall success or failure of the project.
  • Lessons learned: Use subheadings and address successes, issues, and actions to consider in the future when faced with similar challenges.
  • Learning-curve benefits: Based on the key decisions made and lessons learned, explain how the learning-curve would benefit similar projects in the future.
  • Best practices: Compile a list of three best practices that can be applied to similar projects in the future.

You are also required to submit detailed speaker’s notes containing a script for presenting each slide. The notes can be embedded in the presentation using the speaker’s notes capability or submitted in a separate Word document. For some tips on making dynamic presentations