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CMR 111 Miami University What Is Your Management Style Presentation

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Something to note: I ask What is your management style? on purpose. I specifically phrased the question this way because this is the question you will get in an interview (rather than, which of French & Raven’s power dynamics do you most display?). There is no textbook answer because it’s your management style. What matters is how you back it up. For instance, if you said you were task-oriented and provided examples of how that made you a good manager – you’d look like a rockstar candidate. If you said you were task-oriented, and I said give me an example and you couldn’t, I’d move on to the next candidate. I want you to incorporate what you learned in this class, apply it to your skills, and phrase it like you would in everyday conversation.、

Make a power point

Name:Cao Major: small business management