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SUNY Buffalo State Job Search Strategies Discussion

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write about two (2) of the job search methods discussed in the picture attached. Which methods will work best for you?  Be sure to give specific examples, discussing how each method has worked previously or what you expect to gain from using each method, if it hasn’t been used previously. If the method has been previously used, talk about the outcome.  

After you give the work, I’ll give you two peers work and you will reply to them.

Peer 1:

As to my experience, networking has been the best strategy for me when searching for jobs. There are a number of ways one can network in order to find a job. For example websites such as Linkedin which is the prime networking site used by both employees and employers. A significant aspect of networking through these sites is that one can easily filter information any where from looking for school alumni in a certain field or company to be more specific to looking and connecting with recruiters that are looking your one’s specific field of study. Personally this stratefy has helped me get my foot in the door with employers that I would not be able to with it. And aslo helped me build a stronger professtional network that would stand to benefit in the future.

The second strategy that I have used in the past is participating in job fairs. Similar to the point above job fairs gets you information from many employers at once. And for job fairs at schools they tend to be more specific for example George Mason School of business job fairs. Some job fairs have representative recruiters there ready to go over your resume. This would significantly help save time and the decision making process. From my experience job fairs are highly informative even if you did not bring your resume you can learn some informations either about application process or corporate culture and environment of anticipated employers that would not be found elsewhere.

Peer 2:

Networking has been the most successful job search strategy for me in the past. Working as a retail salesman has presented me with many opportunities to network and connect with clients. Networking helped me obtain the initial salesman position at Charles Tyrwhitt because an employee referred me to the store manager as soon as the position became available. Networking is also a good way of practicing my communication skills and creating mutually beneficial relationships with other professionals. I have developed many professional relationships through networking as a salesman that could lead to other employment opportunities in the future.

Another effective job search strategy is the informational interview because it shows employers how motivated and committed I am to obtaining employment. An informational interview is also a good way to see if the company culture is suitable for both parties and can also serve to display my communication skills to any potential employers. Although informational interviewing may be time consuming, it is a good way to become exposed to different industries and can help determine the direction of my career path. Using the informational interview method of job search also gives me the liberty to be selective and to not rush into the first available position that I find. I hope to start practicing the informational interview job search strategy when seeking employment going forward.