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FNU Prelinguistic Communication & Introspection Questionnaire

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  1. Question 1

    Baby Todd’s mother notices that he makes a variety of sounds, including cooing, crying, gurgling, and murmuring, along with facial expressions, gestures, imitation, and other nonlinguistic means. Baby Todd is demonstrating __________.

  2. Question 2

    Which developmental instrument looks to find how quickly an infant can retrieve a representation of a stimulus from memory?

  3. Question 3

    During the teenage years, the average girl requires __________ calories a day, and the average boy requires __________.

  4. Question 4

    The school of psychology called structuralism used a technique called _____, which involved reporting the contents of consciousness to study a person’s experiences.

  5. Question 5

    Darnell and Denise have been happily dating for months; however, they do not feel compelled to make a long-term commitment yet. Psychologist Robert Sternberg would call their relationship __________.

  6. Question 6

    As an infant, Sarah had typical childhood illnesses and no significant earaches. However, now Sarah is 4 years old and she is experiencing frequent earaches. What is the most likely reason for this?

  7. Question 7

    According to Robert Sternberg, infatuated love develops when only __________ is present.

  8. Question 8

    The average financial costs of medical care for a very-low-birthweight infant during the first 3 years of life may be between __________ and __________ times higher than medical costs for a full-term child.

  9. Question 9

    Mothers in the United States are partial to a(n) __________ style of speech, while mothers in Japan are partial to a(n) __________ style of speech.

  10. Question 10

    What is the term for the collection of social skills that permits individuals to perform successfully in social settings?

  11. Question 11

    Developmental psychologist __________ speculated that the underlying temperament of a given society, determined genetically, may predispose people in that society toward a particular philosophy.

  12. Question 12

    Which term means rankings that represent the relative social power of those in a group?

  13. Question 13

    Professor Golder is studying hyperactivity in preschool age children. She is concerned that differences in child rearing, diet, and so forth may affect her results. To minimize these potential preexisting variables, she should be sure to do which of the following?

  14. Question 14

    Researcher Robert Fantz discovered that __________.

  15. Question 15

    Ali is considering enrolling his young son in child care while he pursues his master’s degree. He is concerned about exposing his son to illness and disease from others, particularly as his son’s immune system is developing. Which of the following is an advisable precaution Ali can take to minimize his son’s risk of sickness or disease?

  16. Question 16

    Raul and Raymond are 3 years old, and the main benefit they get from being friends is __________.

  17. Question 17

    Which of the following jobs might have been in a newspaper employment ad directed at women in the 1960s?

  18. Question 18

    The term that refers to the complex relationship between self-esteem and minority group status comes from __________.

  19. Question 19

    What is the term for a sequence of eight staged episodes that illustrates the strength of attachment between a child and (typically) his or her mother?

  20. Question 20

    Unbeknownst to Chang, his parents are playing a trick on him by presenting him with a wrapped bar of soap for his birthday. Chang opens the gift and, on seeing the bar of soap, looks over to his grandmother and hesitantly and softly says, “I wanted this soap, grandmother. Thank you!” Clearly, Chang’s body language indicates his disappointment in the gift. What likely explains why Chang lied about his enthusiasm for the gift of soap?

  21. Question 21

    Egocentrism leads to a distortion in thinking: the notion that one’s experiences are unique. This may lead the adolescent to develop __________.

  22. Question 22

    Alex is playing in a room and his mother is sitting nearby. Alex becomes distressed when a stranger enters the room and Alex hardly leaves his mother’s side. Later, when his mother and the stranger leave the room for a moment, Alex begins to wail and cry. However, when his mother returns, he runs up to her, and instead of giving her a hug or kiss, he begins to punch her in the arm. This would be a description of what type of attachment pattern?

  23. Question 23

    What sexually transmitted infection can be communicated to the child as it passes through the birth canal to be born?

  24. Question 24

    When 4-year-old Anna uses Legos to build a playhouse or puts a puzzle together, this is an example of __________ play.

  25. Question 25

    It is particularly important to provide foods high in __________ to preschool children to help prevent fatigue-causing anemia.