Business homework help

Business homework help. Most of the paper is already done but I need you to reread and revise for any errors.I will need an abstract done over the whole report and 2 paragraphs added.  The paragrpahs that need to be added / worked on are highlighted in the paper. The first paragraph is Becoming an auditor and in that paragraph I need to know what a person needs to do to become an auditor and what it takes. The second paragraph is Types of Auditors and Audits and an explanation of that exactly.  The 2nd paragraph has info just needs to be finished. If you can add any extra information to any of the paragraphs, I will tip.Please site any references used for the information.This is what my Research Paper is over. “The last 15 years roles have changes and control and risk assessment have changed for sure. It is even more important to think about the future which is when you will practice accounting. Let’s briefly examine roles and how they changed and add what they are likely to be in the future. I am thinking we may want to look at how “Big Data” will change auditor roles too. This research will help you more to look at what your role may actually be rather than looking back. So I like auditor role changes as a topic for you and I want to incorporate a look at the future because that is where you will work. I do think understanding why roles change in the past will help you understand the future so yes to your idea. Than add some possible future changes we need to think about. I throw “Big Data” out there because it seems to be the big topic and it certainly will affect audits.”

Business homework help

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