Business homework help

Business homework help. Can you please assist and explain step by step the answers??Exercise 1:Companies often need to use Downsizing (laying off employees), in an attempt toreduce costs. The following table shows the number of layoffs in a sample ofemployees of three different sectors of employment, together with the workexperience of the employees that got fired.Sector of employmentWork experienceACLess than 6 months13 30156 months to 5 years15 111 10More than 5 years104Test if the sector of employment is generally independent of work experience ofemployees that are laid off. Use a 5% level of significance.Exercise 2:In a recent survey a sample of 230 consumers were asked regarding their new mobileservices offered by their company to examine how satisfied they were. The data werepresented in the following table:GenderSatisfaction from new mobile serviceMale FemaleHigh7590Low3035Test if there is generally a relation between gender and level of satisfaction from the newmobile services. Use a 5% level of significance.

Business homework help

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