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 MA10020200440097, section 40097, Spring 2020
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You are planning a trip to visit a friend. According to Google Maps, the trip is 1,463 miles. If you would like to make the trip in three days, approximately how many miles a day must you drive?
–/1                                  AUFQR1 1.2.019.

The following graph shows the expected lifetime earnings, in thousands of dollars, for a person who attains certain academic degrees. For instance, the lifetime earnings of a person who receives an associate degree (AS) is approximately $1,730,000.
From the graph, does it appear that as more advanced degrees are earned, there will be higher lifetime earnings?
–/3                                  AUFQR1 1.2.021.EP.
A survey of pet owners who keep their pets in their homes or apartments were asked what kind of pet they owned. The percent of owners who responded for each pet type is shown in the following circle graph.
If exactly 50% of the respondents had dogs, the portion of the circle graph representing the response “dogs” would be exactly —Select— of the area of the circle. The portion of the circle graph that represents the percent of respondents who had dogs is —Select— .
From the graph, is it reasonable to estimate that more than 50% of the respondents had dogs?
–/2                                  AUFQR1 1.2.023.
The following line graph shows the total student loan debt, in billions of dollars, in the United States for selected years.

  • Between which two years did total student loan debt first exceed $1 trillion? (1 trillion is 1,000 billions).
    • and 2012
    • and 2013
    • and 2014
    • and 2015
    • and 2016
    • and 2017
    • and 2018
    • and 2019
    • and 2020
  • In what year was total student loan debt approximately $4 trillion?

–/1                                  AUFQR1 1.2.P.003.
Estimate the number of raspberries in the following photo. (See Example 3 in this section.)
–/2                                  AUFQR1 1.2.P.007.
The circle graph shows the distribution of blood types in humans. (See Example 7 in this section.)

  • Which blood type occurs most frequently?

Type A
Type AB    Type B
Type O

  • Which blood type occurs least frequently?

Type A
Type AB
Type B
Type O
–/2                                  AUFQR1 5.4.001.
Which of the following scatter diagrams suggests the following conclusions?

  • strongest positive linear correlation between the x and y variables

graph a graph b    graph c graph d

  • strongest negative linear correlation between the x and y variables

graph a graph b
graph c graph d
Copy the link This will direct you to a document from which you can access spreadsheets that may be useful for checking your work for the exercise.
Two friends are to share a pizza that is one-third cheese, one-third pepperoni, and one-third green pepper. To Zelda, the cheese part is worth $12, the pepperoni part is worth $4, and the green pepper part is worth $2.

  • What is the value of the pizza to Zelda?


  • For Zelda to feel that she has received a fair share of the pizza, the value of her portion must be at least how much?

Suppose the pizza is cut in such a way that she receives one-third of the cheese part, one half of the pepperoni part, and none of the green pepper part. What is the value of this portioning to Zelda?
Is this a fair share of the pizza to Zelda?
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Mathematics homework help