Management homework help

Management homework help.

Future Speech
· Preparing today to lead in a global future (future_speech)
· Some background information: You recently published a highly successful book on global leadership that has received an enthusiastic reception in both academic and practitioner circles. Congratulations! As a result of the success of your book, you have been inundated with invitations to speak at conferences and seminars. This has presented you with opportunities to influence the global debate on leadership issues, and from a Christian perspective. One of the speaking engagements you accepted is to present at a prestigious global conference on leadership with a speech in the form of a position paper titled “The global organization in the future: How global leaders can actively shape the future by their present actions and choices.”
· This project consists of two parts:
· Part one is a speech in the form of a position paper that you will prepare for presentation at the international conference on leadership using the assigned reading and other sources. The speech should be 1200 words (±10% excluding abstract and references) to outline the main points of your presentation. Include organizational leadership and biblical worldview concepts within a global perspective as you seek to persuade an audience of your peers.
· Show understanding of strategic thinking, a global future, and driving forces topics
· Show understanding of cause-effect relationships between concepts and outcomes
· Show integration of organizational leadership and biblical worldview
· Part two is a PowerPoint presentation comprising 8-10 slides that you will create to accompany your position paper. Refer to the writing guidelines for what is anticipated in a typical position paper. you must copy and paste the guidelines below:

Management homework help