American history homework help

American history homework help.

In this assignment you are required to write critical book review. Please keep in mind that the critical book review IS NOT A BOOK REPORT. Do not re-tell the story.
Your aim is to critique the author’s work. Examine what is objective was in writing the work, discuss how  well (or poorly) he accomplished his objective. Use examples, citations, and quotes from the work itself to support your arguments.
I expect to see well supported arguments at this level of work.
Beware of plagiarizing. I use on ALL written assignments and will reject, without prejudice, any paper that comes in that is flagrantly plagiarized – usually over 10 -15% per the tunritin report.
Each of you will be able to see your “similarity report” once you submit your work into the dropbox, so please pay attention to this number, I certainly will!
I have provided a plethora of information in this class on D2L with links and assistance to aid you in not plagiarizing and to assist you in writing your best papers ever. PLEASE MAKE US OF THE RESOURCES!!
If you don’t know how to begin, start with me. I am always available to help and it is my pleasure to do do.
The review should not be more than three pages. One page is not enough to cover all aspects of the critical review, and anything more than three pages is overkill and most times, the student is rambling rather than critiquing.
Big note:
I am very particular about the format in which you submit your papers.
First and foremost, I do not want to see a title page – I want to see header and footer information. See specific information in the section on Book Review Information on D2L.
Second: DO NOT USE FOOT NOTES IN A BOOK REVIEW — Use parenthetical references only. That means page number only in the parenthesis. It is not necessary to include things like the author’s name, or pp, or page before list the actual page you are citing.
USE PAGE NUMBER ONLY in parenthesis.
If for example, you have cited or quoted something from page 47, your paper would look like this at the end of the sentence which you are citing. (47) Then you would continue you next sentence or paragraph accordingly, just like you are seeing here.
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American history homework help