Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. What are the continuities between early 20th century Dada and late 20th century Neo-Dada? Who and/or what from Dada was influential upon Rauschenberg and Johns? Use examples of art that support your reasoning.,Early 20th century Dada and late 20th century Neo-Dada?,a. Firstly, What are the continuities between early 20th century Dada and late 20th century Neo-Dada?,Secondly, Who and/or what from Dada was influential upon Rauschenberg and Johns?,Thirdly, Use examples of art that support your reasoning.,b. Firstly, Define Pop Art in your own words. (Keep in mind that a definition is usually a succinct, objective description that never uses the word or concept being define d.),After you have settled upon a definition, discuss some examples of art that support and exemplify your definition.,c. Firstly, Discuss some of the developments in sculpture after World War II.,Use examples of art that support and exemplify your discussion., ,More details;,Additionally, How was Neo Dadaism different from the earlier Dadaist movement?,Neo-Dada was a movement with audio, visual and literary manifestations that had similarities in method or intent with earlier Dada artwork. It sought to close the gap between art and daily life, and was a combination of playfulness, iconoclasm, and appropriation.,Summary of Neo-Dada,The term Neo-Dada was applied to the works of artists such as ,Jasper Johns,, ,Robert Rauschenberg,, and ,Allan Kaprow, who initiated a radical shift in the focus of modern art during the 1950s. Neo-Dada artists are known for their usage of mass media and found objects, as well as a penchant for performance. These artists rebelled against the emotionally charged paintings of the ,Abstract Expressionists, that dominated the art world in the 1950s. By introducing mundane subject and emphasizing performance, the Neo-Dada artists ushered in the radical changes modern art underwent during the 1960s and paved the way for ,Pop art,, ,Minimalism,, and ,Conceptualism,.

Mathematics homework help