Government homework help

Government homework help.

Who believed that the best could be identified with the oldest?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”4″,name:”mc-ans-_494982738_1″}));               a.Machiavelli            b.Luther            c.Calvin            d.Hooker            e.Hobbes
2.5 points
Question 5        Machiavelli advises rulers to cultivate a reputation for                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”5″,name:”mc-ans-_494982739_1″}));               a.miserliness            b.generosity            c.compassion              e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 6        According to Leo Strauss, Machiavelli compares himself to                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”6″,name:”mc-ans-_494982740_1″}));               a.Moses            b.Socrates            c.Julius Caesar            d.Plato            e.Jesus
2.5 points
Question 7           Who wrote the     Institutes of the Christian Religion?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”7″,name:”mc-ans-_494982741_1″}));               a.Augustine            b.Thomas Aquinas            c.Duns Scotus            d.Luther            e.Calvin
2.5 points
Question 8           According to Luther and Calvin, what is the standard of truth for theology?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”8″,name:”mc-ans-_494982742_1″}));               a.Reason only            b.Scripture only            c.Reason and Scripture            d.Church Tradition            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 9           According to Leo Strauss, the key to understanding Machiavelli’s Discourse is                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”9″,name:”mc-ans-_494982743_1″}));               a.his use of scripture.            b.his use and non-use of Livy.            c.his references to contemporary Italian politics.            d.his references to ancient Greeks.            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 10        Who believed that all the legal requirements of the Old Testament should be upheld by
the government today?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”10″,name:”mc-ans-_494982744_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 11        According to Machiavelli, the founder of tyranny in Rome was                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”11″,name:”mc-ans-_494982745_1″}));               a.Romulus            b.Julius Caesar            c.Brutus            d.Marcus Aurelius            e.Catilina
2.5 points
Question 12        The Reformers believed that human government was necessary                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”12″,name:”mc-ans-_494982746_1″}));               a.before the fall of man            b.after original sin            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 13           According to the Reformers, which is (are) part of God’s realm?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”13″,name:”mc-ans-_494982747_1″}));               a.spiritual government            b.temporal government            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 14        Who favored monarchic rule?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”14″,name:”mc-ans-_494982748_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 15        Who believed in the doctrine of social contract and popular sovereignty?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”15″,name:”mc-ans-_494982749_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 16        Who does Machiavelli identify as corrupt?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”16″,name:”mc-ans-_494982750_1″}));               a.Franciscans            b.Dominicans            c.Catholic church leaders            d.all of these            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 17        According to Machiavelli, a prince is despised by his subjects if he is considered                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”17″,name:”mc-ans-_494982751_1″}));               a.changeable            b.frivolous            c.effeminate            d.cowardly            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 18        Machiavelli compares fortune to a woman who must be                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”18″,name:”mc-ans-_494982752_1″}));               a.loved            b.protected            c.obeyed            d.beaten            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 19        The Prince is dedicated to                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”19″,name:”mc-ans-_494982753_1″}));               a.Caesar Borgia            b.Leonardo da Vinci            c.Savanorola            d.Lorenzo de Medici            e.Pope Leo X
2.5 points
Question 20           Who held that temporal government has the responsibility for maintenance of true worship
and service of God?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”20″,name:”mc-ans-_494982754_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 21           Why should government be obeyed, according to Luther and Calvin?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”21″,name:”mc-ans-_494982755_1″}));      government can be totally bad            b.people receive the kind of government they deserve            c.obedience is necessary for stable social life            d.all of these            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 22           Which kind of religion did Machiavelli consider to be of human origin, according to Leo
Strauss?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”22″,name:”mc-ans-_494982756_1″}));               a.Greek paganism            b.Roman paganism            c.Judaism            d.Christianity            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 23        According to Machiavelli, what do the common people expect of a ruler?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”23″,name:”mc-ans-_494982757_1″}));               a.redistribution of wealth            b.elimination of the rich            c.government programs to help the poor            d.political power over the rich            e.not to be oppressed
2.5 points
Question 24        Who influenced Luther and Calvin’s view of scripture?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”24″,name:”mc-ans-_494982758_1″}));               a.St. Augustine            b.St. Thomas Aquinas            c.the Pelagians            d.the Nominalists            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 25        All of the following stressed the doctrine of the “church invisible” except                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”25″,name:”mc-ans-_494982759_1″}));               a.Hus            b.Wycliffe            c.Luther            d.Calvin
2.5 points
Question 26        Who described the Eternal Law as a law of reason laid down by God for Himself and all
other things?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”26″,name:”mc-ans-_494982760_1″}));               a.John Knox            b.Calvin            c.Luther            d.Richard Hooker            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 27        Who favored aristocratic rule with a system of checks and balances?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”27″,name:”mc-ans-_494982761_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither
2.5 points
Question 28        Who developed a plan for a perfect Christian form of government?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”28″,name:”mc-ans-_494982762_1″}));               a.Luther            b.Calvin            c.Hooker            d.all of these            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 29        Which type of law is recognized by Richard Hooker?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”29″,name:”mc-ans-_494982763_1″}));               a.supernatural law            b.moral law            c.political law            d.ecclesiastical law            e.all of these
2.5 points
Question 30           Machiavelli’s Discourses are supposedly a commentary on the work of the Roman
historian                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”30″,name:”mc-ans-_494982764_1″}));               a.Tacitus            b.Titus Livy            c.Polybius            d.Plutarch            e.Xenophon
2.5 points
Question 31        Machiavelli lists three methods of dealing with acquired states that are used to living by
their own laws and in freedom. Which is NOT one of these methods?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”31″,name:”mc-ans-_494982765_1″}));               a.Destroy them.            b.Go there and rule in person.            c.Maintain a large occupation army.            d.Allow them to live with their own laws and pay tribute.
2.5 points
Question 32           Hooker believed all of the following, except                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”32″,name:”mc-ans-_494982766_1″}));      are by nature free and equal            b.government is based on social contract            c.there is only one true law, which is stated in scripture   are naturally social            e.he believed all of these
2.5 points
Question 33        Who wrote the     Vindiciae Contra Tycannos?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”33″,name:”mc-ans-_494982767_1″}));               a.Thomas Aquinas            b.Calvin            c.Luther            d.Richard Hooker            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 34        Hooker sees political organizations as                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”34″,name:”mc-ans-_494982768_1″}));               a.the remedy for human sinfulness            b.a consequence of the fall            c.a condition of human perfection            d.all of these            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 35           The Reformers held that the proper relation of church and state is                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”35″,name:”mc-ans-_494982769_1″}));               a.strict separation   support and encouragement            c.hostility            d.control by the church            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 36        Machiavelli teaches that rulers ought to use                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”36″,name:”mc-ans-_494982770_1″}));               a.vice consistently            b.virtue consistently            c.virtue or vice as necessary            d.morally neutral acts only            e.only his conscience
2.5 points
Question 37        According to Machiavelli, the principal foundations of all states are                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”37″,name:”mc-ans-_494982771_1″}));               a.good laws and good armies            b.wisdom and virtue            c.well written constitutions            d.clever rulers            e.fortune and virtue
2.5 points
Question 38           Who described the life of a hero as one who receives his commission directly from God?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”38″,name:”mc-ans-_494982772_1″}));               a.Thomas Aquinas            b.Luther            c.Calvin            d.Richard Hooker            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 39        Leo Strauss observes that Machiavelli regards Christianity as inferior to Roman paganism
because Christianity placed the highest good in                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”39″,name:”mc-ans-_494982773_1″}));               a.courage            b.honesty            c.humility            d.greatness of mind            e.none of these
2.5 points
Question 40        Who saw scripture as providing the one, immutable rule of Christian obedience?                 formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”40″,name:”mc-ans-_494982774_1″}));               a.Luther only            b.Calvin only            c.both            d.neither

Government homework help