Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. This is a paper that is focusing on The Use of musical melodies to represent characters to trite and shallow. The paper also provides additional information to use in the assignment paper.,Use of musical melodies to represent characters to trite and shallow,For this discussion, I want you to consider the concept of Wagner’s leitmotif., Although Wagner wasn’t the first person to use important musical melodies to represent non-musical ideas in operas, he used literally hundreds of short musical ideas to represent people, places, objects, and emotions throughout his dramas unlike anyone that had come before.,Film composers use short recurring melodies throughout their movies to refer to characters and ideas, as well. The most famous example is John Williams’ score to Star Wars., I want you to go to the following link and listen to the different leitmotifs in the Star Wars movies. It’s ok if you’ve never seen the movies before; the themes are all given names, and you’ve probably heard at least a few of them from time to time. It will give you a good understanding of how different themes can correspond to different musical ideas in film:, ,,Use of musical melodies to represent characters to trite and shallow,You also saw an example of Locke’s leitmotif from Final Fantasy VI and a subsequent transformation in the video lecture on Video Game Music. In that game, there are over 14 leitmotifs, each representing a character in the story., One of the biggest criticisms of what we call the leitmotif comes from a philosopher named Theodore Adorno. Who wrote, ” The degeneration of the leitmotiv is implicit in this …  It leads directly to cinema music, where the sole function of the leitmotif is to announce heroes or situations so as to allow the audience to orient itself more easily.”,Adorno also said that even in Wagner’s day, the public made a crude link between the leitmotifs. Also, the persons they characterized” because their understanding did not align with Wagner’s own musical understanding. He essentially said that the leitmotif in its very concept is flaw, and he laments that the music essentially becomes a ‘calling card’ for characters in the film/opera.,In 600 words, I want you to respond to Adorno’s criticism. Do you think that the constant use of musical melodies to represent characters is flawed becomes trite and shallow? Do you think that a composer who relies on the same melodies to represent the story being told is taking the easy way out instead of trying new ways of affecting the audience’s emotions?, Or, do you think that there is merit to using recurring musical leitmotifs for characters and objects in the film? Do you think that a composer may be able to musically hint at something in the story that is not being said overtly on screen?, Consider the pros and cons of the leitmotif in your response.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Chemistry homework help

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