Computer Science Homework Help
This is a Java programming assignment. Details are attached.
CS520 Week 2 AssignmentGeneral Rules for Homework Assignments• You are strongly encouraged to add comments throughout the program. Doing • • •• so will help your facilitator to understand your programming logic and gradeyou more accurately.You must work on your assignments individually. You are not allowed to copythe answers from the others. However, you are encouraged to discussapproaches to the homework assignment with your section mates and thefacilitator in your section via the discussion board.Each assignment has a strict deadline. However, you are still allowed to submityour assignment within 2 days after the deadline with a penalty. 15% of thecredit will be deducted unless you made previous arrangements with yourfacilitator and professor. Assignments submitted 2 days after the deadline willnot be graded.The assignment solution will be available 48 hours after the assignmentdeadline.When the term lastName is referenced in an assignment, please replace it withyour last name. You are strongly encouraged to add comments into your program!Create a new Java Project in Eclipse named HW2_lastName and complete thefollowing two parts. Part1 (50 Points)Create a package named cs520.hw2.part1 and complete the following by writing theappropriate classes under this package.1. The course tuition is equal to the “credits for the course” multiplied by “thecost per credit.” Create a “procedural style” program that meets the requirementsbelow. Create a class named TuitionProceduralStyle and test the tuition of twodifferent courses as specified below.a. Prompt the user to enter the following values for the first course one byone through a dialog box. The name of the first course, the number of credits forthe first course (integer type), and the cost per credit forthe first course (integer type)b. Now, prompt the user to enter the following values for the secondcourse one by one through a dialog box. The name of the second course, the number of credits forthe second course (integer type), and the cost per credit forthe second course (integer type)c. Compute the course tuition for the first course and store it into anappropriate variable type.d. Display the first course’s name and its tuition using a dialog box.e. Compute the course tuition for the second course and store it into anappropriate variable type.f. Display the second course’s name and its tuition using a dialog box.g. Using the if-else construct, check which tuition is greater than the otherand display the information and the difference using a dialog box. Also,check if the tuitions are the same as part of this comparison.h. Make sure to test your program with values for all the three scenariospossible in the above step.2. Transform the procedural style computation of the previous problem into anobject-oriented application. In order to do this, create two classes named Course andTuitionObjectStyle as specified below.a. The class named Course describes each course and should have The instance (or member) variables – courseName (String),costPerCredit (integer), and numberOfCredits (integer). The appropriate set methods for the above three variables. The appropriate get methods for the above three variables. The method getTotalTuition which returns the tuition for thiscourse. The method printTuitionDetails which displays the nameand the tuition of this course using a dialog box.b. The class named TuitionObjectStyle creates two course objects andtests them as follows: In the main method, instantiate two objects of the type Coursenamed course1 and course2. Perform the equivalent steps to the ones carried out in Step 1. Part2 (50 Points)Create a package named cs520.hw2.part2. Using this package, create the followingclasses and implement the specified functionality.1. Create a class named Course as follows.a. The instance (or member) private variables – courseName (String),costPerCredit (integer), and numberOfCredits (integer).b. Only a single constructor with three arguments, the name, the cost percredit, and the number of credits. Set the instance variables with thespecified argument values. Output to the console the values using theget methods.c. The public set and get methods for the three instance variables.d. A public getTotalTuition method that returns the tuition for the course.e. Override the toString method to return the string representation of thisobject in the format “Course:<course name> @ $<total tuition>”.2. Create a derived class from the Course class named OnlineCourse.a. Only one private instance variable – technologyFee (integer) – isallowed in the OnlineCourse class.b. Only a single constructor with four arguments, the name, the cost percredit, the number of credits, and the technology fee. Output to theconsole the values using the get methods. The technology feespecified is per credit for the online class.c. The public set and get method for the technology fee only.d. Override the getTotalTuition method which returns the sum of thetechnology fee and the tuition as computed in the Course class. Noassumption should be made on how the tuition is computed bythe Course class.e. Override the toString method to return the string representation of thisobject in the format “OnlineCourse:<course name> @ $<total tuition>”. 3. Create a Test class to test the following functionality in its main method.a. Declare a variable named currentCourse of type Course.b. Create an Course object with appropriate values and assign it to the above variable.c. Print to the console the string representation of this object.d. Create a OnlineCourse object with appropriate values. Reassign thecurrentCourse to this object.e. Print to the console the string representation of this object.The sample output for Part2 is shown below. SubmissionCreate an archive of your Eclipse project using the following steps. Select theHW2_lastName project in the Eclipse IDE’s Package Explorer or the Navigatorwindow.Click File->Export. Select the General->Archive File option. Click Next.Specify the “To archive file:” entry as say, zip file will be created and stored in the C:Temp folder.Submit this zip file as an attachment in the Assignment Section.