Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Intelligent Agents
a.  Explain what an “intelligent agent” is and provide an example of professional use.
b.  Explain what the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act  (OODA) model is and how it is applicable to intelligent agents.
c.  Provide a graphical labeled model for an intelligent agent and explain each component of a proper intelligent agent model.
d.   Develop and execute MATLAB code for the Intelligent Agent Exercise the Week 10 lecture. Your model agent is required to avoid a set of at least 5 obstacles as it navigates from the start position to your specified goal. Ensure you provide graphical output for agent’s behavior. i. Provide one case designed by you such that the agent fails to reach the goal based on decision rules provided – not a coding failure by you but an agent logic gap designed by you. ii. Further develop your MATLAB code to determine the shortest path to the goal given varying obstacle placement.

Computer Science homework help

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