Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. *** 400 words and at least 2 references for “A” and 400 words and at least 2 references for “B”.


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The cybersecurity operational space is always changing; new threats and new technologies to mitigate those threats are in constant development. It pays to know the differing trends that exist on both the defending and attacking sides, as one must know what is out there in order to defend against it. Research and discuss at least two emerging threats, and the technologies that have emerged alongside of them to mitigate their effects, so that information in secure computing environment remains protected.


Small businesses, like big businesses, need protecting when it comes to their information infrastructures. Small businesses today however, face a steep challenge in “keeping up with the Joneses” if you will, as they must employ technologies that often carry with them a heavy expense, which increases year after year. Knowing this, research and find a small business, and discuss the ways in which they have implemented modern cybersecurity technology without breaking the bank. This business can be any business, so long as it is a small business that hosts less than 1000 personnel.

Computer Science homework help