Computer Science homework help

Create an DSS (Decision Support System)
One page per diagram, 4 to 5 pages. Must include (A) logical design, (B) the physical design, (C) background and discussion of the table contents, keys and relationships, implementation details. References and title page.
4 hospitals of Kaiser, hospital table, patient table, visits by patient to a hospital table
staff table for doctors and therapists and more. (Be creative and send screenshots of some examples)
A. .
 Logical Data Warehouse Design Diagram
Required Elements:
1. Entity names
2. Attributes
3. Data type suggested
B. Physical Data Warehouse Model Diagram
Required elements:
1. specification all tables and columns
2. foreign keys to identify relationships between tables
3. denormalization based on user requirements
4. physical considerations that cause it to be different from the logical model
C. Discussion
1. Presents a clear, logical data warehouse diagram that shows what the data is in depth and includes links between data sources. Includes all required elements. However, it does not include information on implementation. The diagram is made digitally using appropriate software and graphic techniques. Additionally, contains links to additional information that will enhance the readers understanding.
2. Presents a clear, physical data warehouse diagram that shows how the model will be built in the database. It includes in-depth, clear and accurate information on implementation including relationships and all required elements. The diagram is made digitally using appropriate software and graphic techniques. Additionally, contains links to additional information that will enhance the readers understanding.
3. Explanations of 2 sample queries
4. Demonstrates best practices in use of font, words on the page, and linking.

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